Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday 9-7 pm

pm wod

crossfit ignite wod

hit the 5 pm class. killer! great group and great attitudes all around!!

back squat
build to 5 rep max ans do 3 sets across

so my squat sucked! totally reworked it. not deep enough. just crappy. steve helped me greatly to get it together. spent some time digging in and trying to work it out.

stayed at 195 and concentrated on getting low. i mean real low. ass to grass low. balls to the top of a 20# med ball low.
totally reset my squat but in the best way possible. now have a new challenge. get my squat big again! but this time for real!
have to play with this.
definitely feeling it in the legs today!!

3 rounds
400m run
21 kettlebell swings 24kilo
12 pull-ups
this was a smoker. was racing a guy named adam and it just made it that much more awesome. he got me by about 10 seconds. i struggled on the last run and almost caught him. he waas faster with the swings but i was faster on the pullup bar.
all swings unbroken, all but the last set of pulllups were unbroken. lost my grip after 10, got 11 and had to remount for 12.
just awesome to do this in a group setting.

what a blast!

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