Friday, February 26, 2010

snow day

snow day!

will shovel driveway for time later!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


woke up to rain and an impending snowstorm. yippee!! schools already closed but just a nasty rain right now.
mainsite wod would have required massive subs so i looked elsewhere. went over to CFE and they had crossfit total posted. argh. not doing 2 totals 2 days apart. although it might have been interesting.
i had noticed a cool wod over on the crossfit nyc blog yeterday. an adaptation from a qualifier in new south wales. figured i would give her a go.
i had set the alarm a little earlier but snoozed it a few times. having a little issue jumping out of bed in the am. think i might have a bit of whatever flu is going around as i wake up with a sinus headache. argh.

warm up
run 1 mile
just a good run to get the legs moving. found a mile long route around the gym so once the weather breaks going to try to run outside instead of on the treadmill.

strength warm up
2 rounds
10 dips
10 pull ups
15 air squats
feeling it a little from yesterday's cindy variation so kept it to two rounds. just enough to get loose and ready.

new south wales qualifier wod
original called for a 500m row but no c2 rower so subbed a run.

run 800m
2 rounds of
30- deadlift 175
30- kettlebell swings 1 pood
30- push-ups
for time

i had to adjust it slightly. subbed the run and 1 pood is the heaviest bell we have. did regular push up versus ring push ups.

12 minutes.
the run was 3:30ish.
first set of deads were 15-10-5
kettlebells unbroken
push ups unbroken
10-20 seconds rest between exercises
round 2
deadlifts 10-10-7-3
kettlebells 20-10
pushups 20-10
10-20 seconds rest in between deads and exercises.

this was an aggressive wod. felt good. sub 10 is a possibility. the deads i kept good form and didnt rush them. grip started to slip on round 2 after the second set of 10. kettlebells and pushups become a mental battle as much as physical.

this was a good wod and i would like to try it again in a few weeks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

wednesday active rest

mainsite rest day and after the total yesterday i knew i should stay away from anything heavy.
little active recovery for me today. head a little stuffy this am. had a sinus headache or something. yuck. weather doesn't help. shit rain and wet snow. blah.

got a weight vest from a friend and figured i would try it out. it cam loaded at 80# so i scaled it back to 40# for its first adventure.

warm up
run 2 miles
nice endurance pace run. just get the blood flowing.

strength/recovery wod

heavy cindy
so i figured i would use the weight vest and the cindy routine. go thru a few rounds and see how it felt.

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

10 rounds 14 minutes
cindy is usually amrap 20 mins but i wanted to see how long it would take to do 10 and wasnt really wanting to push super hard this am. active recovery you yeah...
if i had run the 20 minute limit probably would have had 14 or 15 rounds. not so bad.

this was a cool change of pace. kept the pull ups strict. used a few different hand positions on the push ups. squats always are the worst. by the time you get into them you start to get a little anaerobic. moved from exercise to exercise clean with no breaks. took 20-30 seconds in between some of the last rounds to catch my breath.

all in all a good am work out. will be doing this again and will definitely be using the weight vest some more. dig it!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

CFT Tuesday

i had figured we were getting a heavy wod today. saw the writing on the wall after the 5k.
good old cross fit total. i really enjoy this. so was psyched when i saw it.
up and out into the snow this am. argh. oh well. guess it still is winter.

warm up
run 1/2 mile
just to get the body awake

strength warm up
3 rounds unbroken
10 push ups
10 air squats
sort of a speed set to get the muscles ready.

did some warm up sets on the squat to get into the game. won't list them all here. no big deal.
max attempts
blasted the 315 and pushed the 335 pretty good. felt great and set a new pr!

shoulder press
again a few warm up sets
1-165 fail
couldn't get 165. the 155 was a true press though. no push so happy with that. last time i used more of a push press so truer number here today

pretty loose and warmed up already. couple sets to build into the heavys
1-335 fail
actually didn't realize i added 10's instead of 5's. oops
could have gotten 325 i'm sure. couldnt get 335 past the knees. 315 cruised up though.

805 on the day.
happy with this.
couple new pr's in lifts that i want to get stronger and a solid shoulder press. need to work on the shoulder strength but that has always been a weak link.

good times!
much better mental attitude today.


Monday, February 22, 2010

monday 5k!

monday am!
5k on the mainsite! sweet. well maybe, maybe not!
woke up in a little funk. dragged ass out of bed and into the gym. heart not there this am. mentally taxed from some of the personal nonsense. need to compartmentalize it a bit.

warm up
run 3/4 mile
1/4 slow
1/2 distance pace.
got the legs moving and the blood flowing. not bad.

strength warm up
3 rounds
15-air squats

slow and steady. didn't rush these. just got them done.
took a minute or two break after to talk with a couple guys and then went to hit the 5k.

treadmill set at 1% grade
started with a 8:45 pace or so and moved it to 8:30. held that for a bit and was struggling mentally. was able to push the last 1 to 11/2 miles so ended up finishing pretty strong. felt ok. head want really into it. think i can get sub 25 easy if my heads in the game. would like to be in the 24's. still alot slower than i used to be but thats ok. different focus these days!

overall happy with the performance.

monday monday. hoorah!


weekend wrap up

saturday = rest day.
had a couple of kiddies with the sniffles so just laid low. thought about going in and doing something but rolled over and caught an extra hour. needed the rest. hit it hard that last cycle.

hero wod on the mainsite and as much as i respect those and try to storm them i just didnt have it in me. got up and went in.
ran 4.5 miles.
felt good just to stretch the legs a little. knee had been twinged but felt good during the run.
finished the workout with
3 rounds
20 double unders
20 1 pood kb swings
all i all a good way to start a sunday.
spent the rest of the day lazing around!

some of the personal issues are coming to a head here. really need to focus and keep the training level high in order to keep my sanity. it will get worked out one way or another. gonna be painful but thats life sometimes.


Friday, February 19, 2010


oh yeah. up and at it early today and what a way to start the day! great mainsite wod today. a reall crusher!

warm up
run 1.5 miles
just ran. felt good and kept the pace reasonable but good.

strength warm up
figured i would use these sets to get the blood flowing and get ready for the wod.
seemed to work well. by the time i was ready to load the bar i felt pretty loose and ready to rock.

5 rounds
max rep thruster 2/3 bodyweight
max rep pull-up

this was like and uber-fran.
set up the bar with 135lb. rx'd with 3lbs added for good measure!!


first set of thruster was good but got heavy toward the end. the first set of pull-ups blew me away. 21 was way more than i thought ti would get but they just flew by.
2nd and 3rd set the thrusters got heavy in the push press. failed on rep 7 to lock out on both those rounds. pull-ups still felt good. moving my bodyweight well.
rounds 4 and 5 were survival. the thrusters were hard and couldn't lock out 6 on round 4 and after 4 on round 5 i knew i was done. the pull ups after those rounds really fell short but i was feeling it hard at that point.
used about 2 minutes rest between sets. didn't keep and eye on the clock but it seemed to work out that way over all. moved right from thrusters to pull-ups. minimal rest here.

this was a beast of a workout and an awesome one at that. very cool!
great way to start a friday.
tomorrow will be mainsite rest day and i think i will try to get a cfe workout in and maybe some bodyweight stuff. really blasted from linda and now this!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Linda? oh my!

aw yes! the 3 bars of death.
let me tell you that i was very close to calling today a day off. the alarm went off and i snoozed and then again. ick. not sure whats up there but just needed to kick myself out of bed!
fired up the blackberry to find this gem! LINDA. holy yikes!
got to the gym a little late so had to speed thru the warm up a little.

1 mile run. 8:30 pace. just ran it. felt good. legs fully recovered from runs the other day.

strength warm up
2 rounds
10 dip
10 pull ups
10 squats
only 2 rounds due to time. flew thru the pull ups. first set i was blasting over the bar. that felt good. dips no big deal and the squats were what they always are.

warmed up with a little light bench and deadlift while i waited for a bar to free up. didn't want to make a stink since i would be hogging 2 stations. usually not an issue in the early am but had a couple people looking to work similar deals.

deadlift 1.5bw
bench press bw
clean 3/4bw

i scaled the weights a bit.
deadlift 225 this is 1.15xbw
bench 185 this is bw -10
clean 135 this is about 10# below rx

scaled reps because i was short on time and scared!!!!!!!
this kicked my ass. tried to keep good form throughout. the deads were good. used straps to help with grip issues. bench was good. pushed hard on a few of the last reps. used power cleans. yes this was a cheat. but i was beat up and wasnt working the full cleans here. next time.

for going from wanting to sleep in to rocking this out i am happy! gotta stay positive!!

weight continues to hover at 198/200 which is fine. would like to get a little leaner before the 1/2 marathon. don't need to be carrying around anything extra there!!

personal issues creeping in again and i think that has a lot to do with the not hopping out of bed in the am. gotta focus on the positive and not dwell. it is what it is and will get worked out one way or another.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday already?

yikes. all messed up this week after having monday off from work. silly holidays!
wanted a strength day today. mainsite had tabata and i dont have a good clock for them. yeah excuses excuses, but its hard when you are solo to keep time and count on those. So i rolled over to CFE and found exactly what i was looking for. sweet!

warm up
just a 1/2 mile jog to get the blood flowing. with the last 2 days of running took it easy on the treadmill.

strength warm up
3 rounds
20 push ups
15 squats
littler something different to get the muscles loosened up

5 rounds
max rep 275# deadlift
max rep chin ups

warm up

round 1 7/15
round 2 7/10
round 3 6/10
round 4 6/10
round 5 5/9

used the straps for the deads and they definitely helped me get an extra rep or 2 as my grip started to fail.
did chin ups with grip facing me. don't really do these often so it was a cool change. grip would fail around 9 reps and by the 10 i couldn't hold on any more. physically could have done a rep or 2 more but would have had to remount bar.
rested 2 minutes between rounds approx.
the deads really gassed me in the later rounds.

cashed out with a set of 10x135

good times!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

more run more snow

mainsite rest day. rolled over to cfe looking for a strength workout. little sluggish this am and thought a good strength work out would bring me back to life. nothing really inspiring over there. argh
went to gym and hopped on the treadmill to get moving.
ended up doing a fairly spirited 3 mile run
did a 1/2mile cool down and called it a day.
not so bad.
up early today and back to work after the 3 day weekend so i think my body was just readjusting.

hopefully something heavy tomorrow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tempo run

tempo run from CFE this am.
saw the chipper workout and skipped it.

total 5.5 miles.
5 miles in 45 mins which included a 1/4mile jog warmup.

felt good.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

sunday fun-day!

up early and into the gym. happy valentines day to me!
needed to make up the snatches from yesterday and do todays wod.

treadmill warm up
ran out the last 1/4 again to keep the pace high longer. progressive pace on the mile. legs felt pretty good. right heel sore. probably from run friday and being on my feet friday night and yesterday afternoon.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 dips
10 pull ups
10 air squats

moved thru this well. no issues

snatch wod
warm up
used the power snatch, snatch balance complex with a 45# bar to get loose

find 1 rep max in 10 minutes
125 fail
cant get under the bar once it starts to get heavy. little sketchy after having dropped the 155 overhead squat last week. need to get some confidence back.
used 95 to work form after for a few minutes.

wod 2
amrap in 8mins
4 hspu
8 2pood kb swings
12 ghds

had to do a few subs for this one
hspu = 50# dumbbell press
kb = 1 pood heaviest i have
ghds = decline sit up on max

8 rounds total. may have been 9 mins when finished but wanted to get the 8th round.
felt good thru this. tough but a good wod!

happy valentines day!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


day of rest.
out late volunteering at bingo for the church/kids school.
that was different!!
back at it tomorrow. plan on doing the snatches and maybe whatever else pops up on the mainsite.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Run like an antelope!

so mainsite rest day and i needed a strength day off. headed over to CFE to see what they had cooking and found just what i needed!
let the alarm snooze once before getting up. just needed to lay there for another couple minutes.
after that up and out the door post haste!

treadmill warm-up
jogged the last 1/4 but ran the mile pretty good.

6 rounds of 1min on 3min off
started the mins at a fast clip and just kept making them faster. built up to a 10mph or 6min pace for the last one. that was a little hard. all in all the sprints felt good. i walked the 3 minutes in between each sprint at 4mph pace to keep the legs working

after the six rounds i walked out the last 3 minutes off and then ran 1.25 miles at what is a distance type pace. roughly 8:20ish.

overall felt good. just the kind of workout i needed today.
body is a little blown from the strength work in that last cycles so felt good to flush it out.
looking to hit it hard over the weekend. office closed saturday and monday so looking to get a couple good days in home with the fam!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow day hangover

so we got about 12-14" of snow yesterday. got home early and cleaned up the driveway and played with the kids for a while. they built an igloo. well sort of... it was pretty cool. lots of fun!
up and out early today. up before the alarm. weird.
looked at the rx'd workout and was psyched. 2 things i really like.

treadmill warm up
felt good running. same as usual with a good run out on that last quarter. that has changed lately. where i would usually use that as a slight cool down now i just drop the speed and run it out.

strength warm up
sluggish here to say the least. really not feeling it.
3 rounds
10 dips
10 pull-ups
10 air squats
little slow on these. maybe a bit stiff from yesterday? maybe just fatigued. started to question the wod at this point. it was starting to look like it was going to be real painful....

warm-up with a few 45# cleans and thrusters

5 rounds
row 500m
12 135# powerclean
15 95# thruster

don't have a rower and wanted more run so subbed 400m run for row
decided to use 1 bar and set it at 95. maybe a little light for the cleans but good for the thrusters. figured i would move thru them quick and keep the met-con high!

had to break the thrusters a little bit as my wrists were burning after the powercleans. pc's felt light but by 10 they were getting hard each round.
the 400's were at a decent pace and were hard coming off the thrusters.

made it thru 4 rounds in 24 minutes and called it there. was out of time and realized about 3 rounds in the this was going to be more of a amrap than 5 straight rounds.

definitely a little off mentally today. felt good to move some weight. totally cashed out after this one. real suffer fest!

will be a mainsite rest day tomorrow so will look at CFE and probably do a longer run workout or maybe not. we'll see!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow day!

so we are getting a bit of snow today. yippee! woke up to a dusting but its supposed to keep up al through the day. we'll see!
up a little late but out of the house and to a basically empty gym. everybody staying home due to weather.
treadmill warm up
felt good on this today. picked the pace up progressively on the mile and ran out the last 1/4
good warm up. hams a little sore still but feel good after yesterdays squats.

no strength warm up today. figured i would bust into the WOD after the run.

20# wall ball shots
l-pull ups

25# dumbbell thrusters
tuck/x pull ups


the darn dumbbell thrusters get me every time. they are just hard. used 25 to be able to keep the met-con high. i have used 40's in the past and they get to heavy after a bunch of reps. as it was the shoulders burned like a mother!
subbed tuck or as some people call them x pull-ups for the l-pull ups. still working on those but the tuck ones felt good. good form and rocked them out.
had to break both exercises into sets. not gonna lie i was getting gassed by both of these!!
used the wall clock. yes i need to get a stopwatch! argh. 18/19 mins. pretty happy with that. i was fried at the end.

all in all felt good today. little stiff/sore but pretty good.
now suffer thru a snowday in the office and then go home and shovel for time!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday under the bar

feel much better this am. not sure why but slept good and woke up more energized which is a bonus. ate better yesterday so i bet that helped. need to clean up the diet but that goes without saying.

treadmill warm up
the mile was good today and i ran out the last quarter only slightly slower than mile pace. not setting any records but a good moving pace. much better than yesterday.
hams are sore from yesterday and felt pretty tight this am so the run helped to loosen them up a bit. could have run farther but had other work to do. longer run days are coming!

strength warm up
switched this up a bit. didn't feel excited about the standard so tried something a little different.
10 push ups
15 air squats
15 push ups
20 air squats
20 push ups
25 air squats

just needed to get the hams stretched out a little for the squats

warm up

with 60sec rest between sets


275 felt heavy but movable in that i could try to get out of the hole a bit faster. tried to keep the depth and range of motion full. really been focusing on going deep on the squat. may have been able to get another 10-20 on the bar but wanted to try to get explosive off the bottom and out of the hole. that's my weakness on deep squats. all in all a good rep scheme. kept time on the wall clock for the 60 second rest times. felt pretty good.

cash out.
speed squats, deep and fast to really work the legs good.

good workout this am. happy overall.

may have big snow coming tonight so we'll see what happens in the am.

Monday, February 8, 2010


so I'm a day behind the mainsite as i took Saturday off. so will make up Sundays wod today.
fell asleep in the 3rd quarter last night woke up for the excitement of the 4th. sweet win by the Saints. like they say that's why they play the game!
up usual time today but really sluggish. just not moving fast. feeling like crap.
ate a bunch of junk last night while watching the game. wings, moz sticks, bones chicken strips, etc..
i reaaly think this ko'd me this am. stomach was a bit off and i felt all bloated and nasty. man, really need to keep the diet cleaner. funny what a difference this can make.

treadmill warm-up
felt like crap! mile took forever. pace was slightly above average but just couldn't get moving.

strength warm up
2 rounds
10 dips
10 pull ups
15 air squats
same deal here. just empty. yuck

hero WOD. Stephen
back ext
knees 2 elbows
95# straight leg deadlift

don't have a ghd device so used the decline sit up on the max setting
scaled the dl's to 70# just to see how they would feel

made it through the rounds the first 4 rounds. stopped after the round of 15.
just not feeling it today.
think its is a combo of poor diet yesterday and being a little tired.
tomorrow is another day!

sunday deadlifts

took Saturday off so was psyched to hit this early Sunday am. Superbowl Sunday no less!
up early and in to a quiet gym. sweet.
felt pretty good. had gotten some good sleep the night before.

treadmill warm up
felt good. legs were moving and the pace was high.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 dips
10 pull ups
15 air squats
felt good and moved though this quickly.

deadlift 5-5-5-5-5-5-5
7 sets of 5. really wanted to go heavy on these. i dug out my old wrist straps to be able to focus on pulling and not lose it due to grip.

warm up

315 got 2 and then failed

the 5x305 was a pr for reps at that weight. really wanted the 5x315 but 315 is my current 1 rep max and the 2 i got were ugly so i put it down. felt strong through most of these sets. the straps help a lot. take the pressure off the hands for the last 2 or so pulls of the set. kept most of these sets unbroken. took a slight rest at the bottom after 3 on the 305.
back pretty blasted after this obviously. but in a good way right?

cash out
run 1 mile. 8:30 pace.
jog 1/4 mile to cool down.

a good workout and a good way to start a Sunday. off to a cub scout mass with the boy and then home for the bowl!

saturday = rest

rest day.
hung at home with the family. nice relaxing day.
needed it.

Friday, February 5, 2010


friday am!
had a late meeting last night and didnt get to sleep till late. up on time anyway, no real issues. can sleep in tomorrow a little anyway. may end up snowed in depending on the storm track!

treadmill warm-up
good run warm up. legs felt sluggish till about halfway through the mile them they opened up and felt good. could have kept going. basically ran out the last 1/4. not much of a jog.

strength warm up
used SDHP for my strentgh warm up
wanted to get the feel prior to todays wod.

135# SDHP
pull to inverted hang

ok, so had to do a little thinking on this one.
i scaled the SDHP to 115. 135 would have been to heavy to keep the form clean. as it was 115 started to feel to bit spicy toward the end!
pull to inverted hangs were not happening at the gym this am so i subbed knees to elbows
haven't done those in a while and seemed like an appropriate sub.

ran out of time after the set of twelve. had to break the sdhp into groups. 21 at 115 was a bit rough.
broke down the k2e's because my grip was failing. sweaty hands on the bar.

this was a killer. not for time but tried to move through quickly as i knew i would be tight for time to get through all the rounds. shoulders are worked from the cleans yesterday so they protested a bit this am!

happy friday!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Totally different

so mainsite rest day. no rest for the wicked though. the running wod's felt good the last couple of days so i figured i would hit some iron this am.
i missed the new style total last week while traveling so figured i would make it up.
need to work on some of these skills and figured this is as good a way as any. wanted to sort of set a benchmark for the clean and overhead squat as well.

treadmill warmup
kept it short. just to get the heart rate up and the blood flowing

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 dip
10 pull ups
10 air squats
same drill here. just wanted to get the blood flowing.

these were full squat cleans
1x175 fail
couldn't get under the 175. should have tried it again after the 165 but i think i may have done a few to many reps leading up to this. live and learn. need faster elbows when the weight gets heavier.

overhead squat
threw this in next as i had to wait on a bench.
1x155 fail
lost the 155 while pushing it overhead. dropped the bar behind me and freaked me out a little. called it there as my confidence was shaken. i think i can easily get 155 but need to work my snatch balance to get the bar overhead. little bummed by this.

bench press
was running short on time here and was pretty well warm so moved through these fairly quickly
the second 245 was a little sluggish. had a spot but just to watch bar. dont think i would have gotten 255 today but i have it in me i'm sure.

all in all this was what i was looking for today. go heavy and see where the breaking point is. rumor has it we are getting a true powerlifting room at the gym. if so i will be focusing harder on some of these lifts.

chilly again today. supposedly big snow this weekend so expect shoveling repeats and snowblower 400m sets!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


so many of the crossfit workouts have names. they are either heros, named after servicemen who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their county or girls names. much like hurricanes with girls names these will "mess you up"! this am i got to meet kelly!

woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground so this slowed me down a little.
feeling pretty good after yesterdays run wod. right heel a little tender and have sore spot on back of my right foot. other than that feel all was well. had been a little stiff in the lower back but that is gone.

treadmill warm-up
back to ramping the pace on the mile. like working it up to a pretty quick pace for the last half. makes it go quicker mentally i think as well.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 dips
10 pull ups
15 air squats
felt good through all of these. good rom on all exercises.

5 rounds
run 400m
30 24" box jumps
30 20lb wall balls

so i cant do wall balls at the gym. or at least i haven't experimented with scuffing up their walls yet so i sub thrusters. i had been subbing dumbbell thrusters but instead today used a 35lb bar
this was a thin short bar with fixed plates. all else as rx'd

i made it thru 4 rounds and ran out of time. could have gotten the 5th round in but would have not been able to cool down enough and get to work on time. with the snow and all i will say this is ok.
man this was a tough one. all the box jumps and thrusters were unbroken which is good. kept the heart rate up and moved right through. kept the pace on the run high but not quite as high as yesterdays 400's.

a few people at the gym have asked about the workouts lately and inquired as to crossfit. maybe the addiction will spread a little? hmmm. be cool to get a few others hooked!!

love this stuff! it really is keeping me sane during a difficult time! for this i am very thankful!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday on the treadmill

tuesday am and i run WOD on the mainsite. hoorah!
so scoped out the mainsite WOD and the backwards running on the treadmill scared me. so over to CFE and they had a good interval workout posted, winner!
i like having the option to grab a workout from either site. not sure what it means in the big picture. does it mess with a set structure? not sure. but need to get some running in so away we go!

warm up
standard here except i kept the pace fixed on the mile. nice steady distance pace to get the legs warm.

2min rest between
started these out a little slow i think. used to doing 400's mixed into a met-con and coming at them much more gassed. continually upped the pace thru all 6 sets. found a pretty good benchmark at about the 6:30 pace or so. not sure what that works out to in 400m time but that felt pretty good. so now i have an idea where to work.
overall felt good on this.

cash out
1.5 mile jog out at a distance pace. 8:30 pace for the final 1.5 and felt good holding that.

needed to get a run workout in and with the warm up, 400's, walking rest periods and the jog out i was at 5.5 miles.

Monday, February 1, 2010


ok so its monday. hooray!
was a little slow getting to the gym this am. no real reason just a few minutes behind.
mainsite WOD was a heavy thruster, muscle up and run triplet. oops. did that yesterday. so, went fishing over at CFE. run rest day there but they had a sweet C&J and front squat wod posted.

treadmill warm up
almost cut this short but instead ran the standard
same old here. felt good though. almost thought about a full run day but decided to move a little weight.

clean and jerk's
build to 85%max 1x5
5 sets of 1 once you get to 85% of max
155 x1x5
felt great on the 155's. could have gone higher but wanted to keep the confidence level high and on the 4th and 5th the press was a little harder.
very psyched about these. i realize the weight isn't super but much more confidence in getting under the bar and up out of the hole.

front squats
build to 90%max 2x2
was running out of time and was pretty warm already from the c&j's so worked up on these pretty quick.
the 185's felt good. had pushed 205 for singles a week or 2 ago so 185 was right at 90%.

no time for the double under cash out unfortunately but this was a great workout. very pleased with my lifts. will definitely be looking to get a much heavier clean in the future.

saw sub 200 on Sunday. 198.5 was 201 this am but am psyched with the progress. ate like a king last night too so that's fine. looking for a solid 195/190 with a increase in overall strength. we'll see. just need to stay focused

sunday sunday sunday

woke up early and got to the gym when they opened. freezing outside so no way was i doing a long outside run. figured i would make up a heavy met-con from the week.

treadmill w/u
same as saturday. calves a little sore from the d/u's so used his to loosen them up a bit.

strength warm up
3 round
10 dips
10 pull ups
10 squats
just used this to get the body back in the swing

row 500m
7 thrusters 135#
don't have a rower so used the 50 45# sdhp and 400m run as sub

thruster warm up

7 thrusters
400m run
7 thrusters
7 thrusters
7 thrusters
7 thrusters

the dark sdhp's were freaking hard man! would have rather rowed. keep the pace high on the runs and tried minimal rest between sets. very difficult wod.

cashed out with a few light thruster sets.

Weekend update

so, no blogging over the weekend so here is the wrap-up

went to the office early and got to the gym a little after 12. very crowded, but that's the breaks.

treadmill warm up
standard run warm up. again used a progressive pace on the mile to really push the last 1/4 and then jogged out the 1/4 at the end.

strength warm up
3 round
15 dips
10 p/u
15 as
moved through these in a fairly relaxed manor but with minimal rest. wasn't racing them but was moving through fairly quickly.

Saturday wod
7 rounds
7 power snatches
7 snatch balance
7 oh squats
rx'd at 95 lbs

warm up
realized that 95 was probably a bit heavy for me on this so went with 75 and tried to keep the form good. work through the movements
these were very difficult. didn't keep a clock on it but tried to recover a little between sets and then work straight through. the 5th set i had to stop prior to the oh squats and reset. 6th and 7th were unbroken.

finished off the day with some double under practice
worked sets of 20 d/u's trying to get them unbroken. got close a bunch.

cashed out after this.