Tuesday, August 31, 2010


up early and feeling pretty good.
looking at doing a double today so will post up later with the afternoon's action...

run 1.5
tempo run warm up
8:20 pace. kicked it up a little at the end but just a warm up

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 mountain climbers
10 squats
strict pullups, moved thru these with good form. not for speed. rested a few seconds between rounds

CFE wod
10x1:00 on :30 off
hold maximal distance for the 1:00 on
kept looking for the optimal pace. started in the high 6's and continued to move it down
last set was at 5:45 pace. little quick
felt pretty good overall.
heel and ankle seem much better.

continue to work on this experiment. think its making a difference. we'll see.

stay tuned for this pm's action. new things on the horizon.....

Monday, August 30, 2010


got to bed late and was feeling it this am.
little slow out of bed.

treadmill warm up
run 2 miles
tempo run. 8:25 pace. picked it up in the last 1/2 mile.
felt pretty good. heel had been sore on saturday but felt pretty good this am.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 mountain climbers
10 squats
good stuff here. kipped the pullups. focused on the hip flexibility on the mountain climbers and got good depth on the squats.

make up from saturday
75# sumo deadlift high pull
75# push press

12 minutes.
much harder than expected although i wasnt supser motivated going into this. little sluggish.
suffered thru. got it done.

foam roll

called it a day.

happy monday!!

Weekwnd wrap up

move back lawn for time
run 3 miles
finished the lawn that i started friday night. mow, trim, etc.
was soaked with sweat already so decided to take a short stroll thru the neighborhood.
3 miles. decent pace. good stuff.

played outside with the kiddies. cleaned up the garage a little, etc....

Friday, August 27, 2010


little freestyle friday.
not gonna lie really wanted to roll over again this am. not sure whats up.
but, i got up and felt pretty good actually.

run 5 minutes at 8:30 pace to warm up
3x3:00 with 2:00 rest between
hold fastest pace possible
covered 2.25 miles including warm up and walking the rest periods.
felt pretty good. the first interval may have been a little conservative. the other 2 were pretty quick.
going to try to mix in a few openers like this from time to time instead of just doing a tempo run as a warm up.

3 rounds
10 pullups
10 push ups
10 mountain climbers
10 squats
similar to yesterday. used 3 different grips on the pull ups
felt pretty good. legs a little heavy on the squats. not sure if thats due to the mountain climbers or not. really feel the hips opening and working on depth on the squats

mainsite restday. so little freestyle.
figured try a heavyish bear complex

bear complex
w.u with 45# bar

135 was tough. shoulders were wasted from yesterday. felt good otherwise. like to try this with fresh arms. see if i could push into the 5 rep range and then go up in weight again.
all in all good stuff



supposed to be a sweet weekend weather wise. go out and play!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


not gonna lie. didn't feel like it this am.
snoozed it and almost rolled over. argh.
up and out though to get some work done.

run 1.5
was running a little behind. set this at 8:25 and just held tempo here. felt good. not to hard but good brisk pace.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 push ups
10 mountain climbers
10 squats
legs tight from the squats yesterday for sure. the mountain climbers helped to open up the hips and used the squats to focus on depth, ass to grass as they say.

mainsite wod.
oh boy. looked at this and knew it was an ass kicker!

handstand pushups (subbed 50# dumbbell press)
21 minutes

it looked brutal on paper and it was.
the pull ups were ok. pretty consistent.
the dumbbell presses were heavy. had to break them up and required a little rest post. these were tough but gutted them out.
have to look back and see what kind of weight i have used on these in the past. think 40? maybe?

stretched and did some mobility drills post wod to try to get loose. good stuff. rolled out and did a little plyo/yoga.

all in all a good effort for a day i almost wrote off.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


still in the groove. been waking up early before the alarm. rolling over and then getting up when it goes off. good stuff. better than when i am dragging my ass out of bed late.

run 2 miles
started with a 8:15 pace and kept it steady till about 1.25 then stepped it up and then stepped it up again at the 1.75 mark. felt good with the higher pace. not gassed or anything. quick.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 mountain climbers

skipped the air squats as i had enough of those yesterday and figured the mountain climbers would be good for hip mobility. felt good. moved thru this quick.

strength wod.
mainsite had a tabata/muscle up wod posted. argh. don't have the means for muscle ups. so i subbed

almost didn't go up to 340. the 335 was fairly heavy on the last 2. but said screw it and went uo. felt good across these sets. definitely feeling stronger. on 340 the last 2 reps might have been a bit shallow. felt pretty good all in all on this.

going to try to get at least 1 or 2 heavy days in a week. rotate squats, deads, press, etc. if they happen to come up on the mainsite then i can use a different one, etc..
want to continue the strength building experiment.

ran out of time after the 5x5's

foam roll

hit the showers!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


up and out early again.
gym open! yeah!
back to the normal schedule.

run 5k
was going to run 3.6k. set the pace pretty high and started trucking. got to 3.6 and said screw it lets go for 5. kept pushing the pace. finished the last 800m under 7:00. into the 7's for the last 1.5 k or so. felt pretty good.
new pr. have to look back thru but definitely more comfortable at higher paces.

Mainsite WOD
read this on the bb and maybe lost a little in translation.
3 rounds
50 jump touch
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 pullups

the jump touch was rx'd to set a weight 18" above your standing reach. i think i thought it said 8". i set 2 foam pads on top of the pullup bar extension. easily 8-10 over my reach. i tryed to get my wrist above the higher pad each jump. seemed like i was getting a good 12" jump each time. looked back and rx'd was 18". yikes.
the other movements were pretty solid. used the decline situp bench set on the highest peg. all sets unbroken in the first round, most in the 2nd round. third round got a little tough.

19 minutes for 3 rounds.
of course i looked back and rx'd is 5 rounds. yikes! thats beastly.

felt pretty good this am between the run and the WOD. good stuff. moving my bodyweight well and feeling pretty strong. maybe a few days off and some 3 on 2 off has been good for the body.

keep playing it by ear.

happy tuesday!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


up early and out the door.
feeling fresh and ready to rock and roll.

got to the gym and its closed. no biggee. bunch of people in lot waiting. maybe th girl who opens is just running a little late?
well about 45 minutes later and a few phone calls its clear that somebody messed up.

we got in but i had, umm, limited time.

run 400m
10 rounds of..
5 pullups
10 push ups
15 squats

felt pretty snappy on this. rushed obviously. but got some work done.
really when you think about it no excuse not to get a workout in. not optimal conditions. no warm up or cool down, no stretching but sometimes the body has to perform under those kinds of situations.



weekend wrap up

lazy weekend. well not really but kind of.
saturday took the boy to get our hair cut and then do some errands. he ended up getting a first hand tour of a firetruck from a friend of mine. highlight of his day! classic.
spent the afternoon playing outside and working on the mountain bike. had to remove and regrease the ebb and get it back into shape.

sunday the weather decided to shut me down. rain all day.
steady in the am and heavy as the day went on.
went to the store and got some lobsters! had a little new england dinner. lobsters, clams, corn. yum!

Friday, August 20, 2010


still not feeling it 100%
but got up and out and decided to try to make the most of it.
once i hit the floor i felt pretty good.

treadmill warm up
run 2 miles
picked up the pace this am. started at 8:15 and kicked it up as the time went by. averaged right around 8 finished well into the 7:00's with a little kick for the last few hundred meters in the 6:00's. feeling pretty good actually with a little faster pace.

strength warm up
30 burpee pullups
broke these into 20/10
once i got my rhythm i was good to go. not much rest after the run so feeling it a little in that respect. liked this as a change and a good opener. get the body ready to move some weight.

mainsite had rope climbs and ring dips. argh. no access and the subs are a pain for the rope climbs. so went over to CFE and grabbed their strength workout.

warm up sets

work sets
2 reps every 2 minutes for 12 minutes at 80% 1 rep max
minimize the rest and maximize the effort.


used 305 and pulled them all raw. no straps. this was a little heavier then rx'd but felt pretty good. heavy but good. thought about 315 but that would have been pushing it a bit.
knew i would run out of time and not get anything else in after this so wanted to maximize the effort.
felt pretty good.

foam rolled
plyo/yoga for a few minutes to loosen up.

for not wanted to roll out of bed i ended up with a pretty good day.

gonna try to get outside and play a little this weekend. run and ride someplace different maybe. we'll see.


just didn't have it.
i a little bit of a funk lately. not sure whats up.

rolled over and caught an extra hour.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


getting down with the heavy...
snoozed it once and really thought about rolling over, but then thought better of it..
felt like getting a little heavy.
mainsite wod i would have had to make all kinds of subs on so looked around a little and decided to make up a CFE wod from the other day.

warm up
bear complex
no run this am. just wasn't feeling it and wanted to spend the extra time under the bar instead.
bear went well. could have thrown a few more rounds in there but wanted to move on.

failed the 175. tried it twice and just couldn't get it. maybe with a spot? maybe. 165 went up easy thought. maybe just to big a jump. good stuff regardless


365 for a heavy single to end the set. sweet! thats a pr right there. think i had more in the tank as well but no spotter and out of time. figure 400 over the winter. maybe do a nother strength cycle at some point and see where it takes me.
happy with these. felt good under the bar and the weight moved quick.

did 20@225 unbroken to cash it out.
done and out of time.

stretched a little and had to get going.
may stretch a little more later.

half way there!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


ok. back in the swing.
up and out and on a mission. yeah ok....

treadmill warm up
run 2 miles
good pace. picked it up in the 2nd mile. feeling good.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats
same drill here. good pace, good form. moved thru quickly.

CFE strength wod.
grabbed this off the crossfit endurance site this am and it looked to be a real hurter.

20- 135# powercleans
run 1 mile
20- 135# front squats
run 800m
20- 135# deadlifts

it looked hard and proved to be a good test. really liked this. the powercleans where done as 2 sets of 10 with 10seconds rest between. 135 felt good. fairly easy to clean but 20 is a long set. saved a little energy by breaking at 10 and coming back for 10 more. ran 1 mile at good pace 7ish something. not sure where exactly i finished it. got on at a 8 and change pace and then just kept ramping it up.
20 front squats were 2 sets of 10 as well. conserve a little energy and to keep the rack in the high position. i start to lose it a little when i get tired over longer sets. rest, rerack, complete.
800m was run fast. low 7's into the 6:50ish range.
20 deads were unbroken! just cause thats how you have to roll when you can smell the finish.

good stuff. great programing on this workout.

foam roll
keeping the focus here. working in some hip mobility drills as well. trying to address the weak spots.

good morning in the gym.

here we go tuesday! hooray!


Monday, August 16, 2010


rolled over this am.
was raining like crazy when the alarm went off and just wasn't psyched to get up and deal with that.

might get a workout in later but we'll see.


back up to stewart for a little ride with the boys.
some old trails, some new trails. good pace. pushed it a bit but had a blast.
nice to just be able to ride not have to worry about getting things in order for the race.
nice to have that over.

23-24 miles. good pace. good times.


had a little breakfast with the kids and lounged around a bit.
was really nice out. not nearly as hot as it had been.
figured do a little run at the park.

park run/wod
ran 2 and change around a loop at the park. opposite direction i normally run.
got to a set of bars an decided to throw in a little wod.
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 squats
they also have rings so after the pull ups/squats i moved over to the rings.
3 sets of 10 ring dips
ring dips are significantly harder than bar dips. good stuff.
back out on the run.
did another 3 miles to wrap up with 5 and a good bodyweight wod.

stretched in the grass for a few and then hit the road.

home and showered.

spent the rest of the day washing the truck the playing with the kiddies.

good stuff.

Friday, August 13, 2010


rest day.
just plain lazy i suppose. rolled over and called it at that. oh well.

trying to listen to the body a little more lately.
heel and ankle are 100% better and even after the 5 miles yesterday they were only moderately annoying last night. thinking the new shoes are helping?

plan on getting some more mile in this weekend on both the sneaks and 2 wheels. we'll see how that pans out.


Thursday, August 12, 2010


up before the alarm and motivated to get up and not snooze it. figured if i did i would have been in bed the rest of the morning. lol
Thursday and feeling like a long week already?

run 5 miles
got on and figured i would do a tempo run. had a few extra minutes so figured 3 miles or so and then move on to todays wod.
felt pretty good at the 3 mark so pushed on. felt good at the 30 minute mark and figured might as well get 5!
good run.
happy with the pace. started at 8:30. moved to 8:00 and finished the last mile in the 7:00's.

digging the new shoes. think i am used to them now. they definitely have a unique feel to them.

3 rounds
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 squats
moved thru these causally. didn't push the pace and rested a little between rounds.
felt good.

handstand push ups
did a little hspu practice
got a couple of decent ones

foam roll
rolled out the upper body as well. shoulders and back.

tried another round of hspu and got much better form and deeper extension.
maybe the shoulders were to tight? maybe just a little rest from the stretching and rolling was all i needed. will continue to work on these.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


wednesday. middle of the week and it sure feels like it.
up and out on time with work to be done.

treadmill warm up
run 2 miles
good tempo run. same pace as yesterday and it felt pretty good. quick but relaxed.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 135# rdl
10 push ups
10 squats

used the deads to get stretched out a little. push ups and squats were standard.


this is yesterdays hero wod and it was a little daunting on paper.
i scaled it down and i think i over scaled it. i let it get in my head.

2 rounds
15- 225# deadlift
15- box jump 24"
15- wall ball w/16# ball
15- 135# bench press
15- box jumps
15- wall ball
15- 95# powerclean

14 minutes
i over scaled this. i should have left the reps at 24. i over thought it. was looking to make this a 20-25 minute workout. the rx'd version was really heavy and would have been too much but i should have left the reps at 24 and maybe upped the weight a bit.
i consider this a lesson and will learn from it.
felt pretty good. the deads were done as 10/5 on the first set and 8/7 on the second mostly due to grip issues. all other sets were unbroken. all in all moved thru this well.

this was a hero workout in memory of naval special warfare chief Adam Brown who was KIA in Afghanistan. Rest in peace bro.

foam roll
thats all i had time for so off to the saltmines.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


in early again or back to the old schedule. guess it depends on how you look at it?

treadmill warm up
tempo run.
2 miles
felt good. quick and light again. started at 8:30 and finished in the 7:45ish range.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 push ups
10 squats
legs a little cooked from yesterday, did strict pullups and felt good there. shoulders felt good. little stiff but worked that out.

figured i would make up yesterdays wod so that i keep in sequence. plus tomorrow will be a rest day so i can make up todays then. which looks like a major hurter.

3 rounds
10 95# ground to overhead
200m shuttle run

4:30ish on the wall clock. sub 5 anyway.
used a powerclean and press for the ground to overhead. all sets unbroken.
ran the shuttles on the track in the gym so it was a few yards short. tried to keep the pace high.

this was a gasser, but i figured that going in. just what i needed today. ease back into the swing of metcon work.

Tempo run
run 2 miles
little faster than the warmup run although it felt much easier as i was loose.
started at a 8:15 pace and brought it down into the 7:00's. felt pretty good. wanted a little more after the wod and this was a nice cash out.
shoes are feeling good. think i made a good choice with them. heel seems to be holding up well and the ankle is 100% better. we'll see after this week.

foam roll
had to rush this a little. moved quick thru some yoga stretches and then rolled out focusing on the calves. then worked my sore hams and quads from yesterday.
think the foam rolling is helping the heel a little.

tuesday. yippee!

Monday, August 9, 2010


back to the early gig so having to use better time management in the gym again. shorter more intense workouts will be key. so will getting up a few minutes earlier.
up early and out the door. perfect.
feeling pretty good. heel an ankle in good shape. little sore last night but good this am.

run 2 miles
good fast pace. started at 8:30 and worked into the 7's. feeling pretty snappy.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 squats
felt real good here. body felt light and moved easily. rest seemed to be the ticket.

mainsite WOD
used yesterdays wod. playing catchup.
AMRAP 20 minutes
7- 185# backsquats
10- 45# dumbbell rh overhead walking lunges
7- burpees
10- 45# dumbbell lh everhead walking lunges

6 rounds plus 7 squats.
had maybe a minute on the clock but let it run out.
the walking lunges were brutal and i will feel them later.
the squats were good and the burpees surprisingly weren't bad at all. only sets of 7 so that helps.
this was a brutal wod. the overhead lunges were heavy and took a lot out of me.

was very happy to complete this rx'd. 6 rounds was cool. maybe could have rushed thru to get seven but happy with 6 and the squats.
tuff stuff

HSPU practice
practiced handstand push ups
was a little blown from the wod but figured to give it a go
got a good set of about 7. half push ups but was getting some range of motion thru this. better.
will continue to work on this as a skill

foam roll
after the weekend it felt good to stretch and roll.
note to self, buy foam roller as well!!

happy monday!

Weekend wrap-up

4.2 mile road/trail run on the loop by the house. first run outside in the new kicks. was digging them. was over thinking my stride at first. needed to just let it go and get into the rhythm.
pace was quick. no real data.
going to pick up a garmin this week. need it.

ended up working outside in the yard the rest of the day.
good stuff.

rest day
wifes b-day. hung around home. lazy day.
had a seafood feast for dinner. clams, lobsters, the whole nine. yum.

Friday, August 6, 2010


sort of.
got up and went at it this am. all be it a little half assed.
still in a 40 haze.recovering from the whole event build up and tear down.

treadmill warm up
run 5k
felt pretty darn good.
got some new sneaks so that helps.
nike free run. review to follow.
25:25 with a leisurely start. not to bad. actually a little surprised i had some spring in my step.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 sit ups
moved thru these pretty well. little stiff from a few days off. 1 round later and started to loosen up a bit. felt good. legs a little heavy.

Bear Complex
went a little of the reservation today. ditched the mainsite as i was uninspired. CFE strength was a rest day. but the CFE wod was 5k so i actually got that done!
figured i would play with the bear complex for my remaining time and then go roll and stretch.

5 rounds

115 got heavy on the last couple reps. pretty minimal rest between rounds as i was running a little short on time. went back to 95 for the last round to get some speed work on the bar.
felt ok.

stretched, rolled, stretched for a few minutes and then called it a day.
little behind schedule by the time i got out of there but its friday. i can be 5 minutes late!

looking forward to the weekend.


Thursday, August 5, 2010


not sure. just recharging.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Rest day
figure on making this a sort of recovery week. will hit it tomorrow and maybe Friday and then play the weekend by ear.
banged out a couple good weeks there and i think the body needs a little time off.
heel was a little sore when i first got up but loosened up and was all good.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


back in the swing and back to early hours at the office. losing a little gym time so need to be a little more efficient.

treadmill warm up
run 2 miles
averaged 8:15 pace. went great. heel and ankle much better.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 push ups
10 squats
just moved thru this with minimal rest after the run. felt pretty strong. little winded toward the end but that was from the lack of rest post run and moving right into this.

squat clean thrusters!
saw these on the mainsite the other day and wanted to check them out. good stuff
warm up
good stuff! wish i had more time to really push the envelope on these. little different than clean and jerk as you have to force the press from the front squat. no reset at the top of the clean.
155 was a little heavy but all rounds unbroken.

135# front squat
box jumps
9 minutes

this was sweet. i upped the front squat weight from what was rx'd. just that kind of day! moved quick thru it. the squats were heavy as i got closer to 21 on the first round. thats a long set. dips good and box jumps just had to get a rhythm going.
not bad.

foam roll
had to rush thru this as i was running behind.
need to get some time management going but i will figure it out. glad i got a strength element in.


Weekend wrap up

Darkhorse 40 this weekend.
spent Saturday setting up.
spent Sunday running the event and breaking down.
spent Monday recovering.

went perfect but man was it a long weekend.