Wednesday, August 25, 2010


still in the groove. been waking up early before the alarm. rolling over and then getting up when it goes off. good stuff. better than when i am dragging my ass out of bed late.

run 2 miles
started with a 8:15 pace and kept it steady till about 1.25 then stepped it up and then stepped it up again at the 1.75 mark. felt good with the higher pace. not gassed or anything. quick.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 mountain climbers

skipped the air squats as i had enough of those yesterday and figured the mountain climbers would be good for hip mobility. felt good. moved thru this quick.

strength wod.
mainsite had a tabata/muscle up wod posted. argh. don't have the means for muscle ups. so i subbed

almost didn't go up to 340. the 335 was fairly heavy on the last 2. but said screw it and went uo. felt good across these sets. definitely feeling stronger. on 340 the last 2 reps might have been a bit shallow. felt pretty good all in all on this.

going to try to get at least 1 or 2 heavy days in a week. rotate squats, deads, press, etc. if they happen to come up on the mainsite then i can use a different one, etc..
want to continue the strength building experiment.

ran out of time after the 5x5's

foam roll

hit the showers!

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