Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday 9-30 am

no am wod today.
got home after 10 last night and will be hitting the 5 pm at Crossfit ignite.

don't think i have hit a workout there that wasn't the 2nd of the day so this will be an experiment to see how that goes.
little tired this am.
scratchy throat pretty much gone.

rainy day again.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday 9-29

slept in. with the scratchy throat and not feeling great all day yesterday i called this one a rest day.
will be hitting it hard tomorrow with the possibility of an am wod and then CFI in the pm.

have a meeting late tonight as well so figured i better get a little extra rest.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday 9-28

woke up with a sore throat.
not happy about that. just when the back was about 100% and was feeling good. oh well.

run 1 mile
8 minute warm up pace

strength warm up
50 squats
50 kettlebell swings
25 decline situps

5 rounds
7 rh kb snatch
7 lh kb snatch
7 225# deadlift
7 pull-ups

all rounds unbroken
rx'd called for a heavier bell. all i had was the 37lb so thats what i used.
rx'd was also 7 rounds but i cut it at 5 to be able to do some mobility work and due to the sore throat. figured i will live to fught another day.
felt ok. i will give it a ok only.

foam roll

off to the showers.

another rainy day here. yick.

Monday 9-27 pm

crossfit ignite pm class
wanted to hit this up and work on some movements. good crew at 5. digging it.

warm up
run 400m
30 squats
30 push ups
20 mtn climbers

3 rounds
3 hand power snatch
3 overhead squats
3 snatch balance
started light to work form. repeated the 85 set to get some hang power snatch practice and snatch balance practice in.
went up to 115 to fend off the demons from that workout last week which crushed me.
felt much better at 115. smoother. dropping under the bar. not muscling it up.
this was exactly what i needed to work on.

amrap 20mins
push-up to failure hands off at botom
run 200m
13.5 rounds

did over 30 p/u's first round
did 25+ second round
then started doing 15
then 13
last round was maybe 15 lost count
shoulders smoked.

good deal.
had to boogie. errands and then home.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday 9-27 am

was up with the alarm this am. slept good but still didn't feel like jumping out of bed. lol

20 minute tempo
2.45 miles
felt pretty good. steady tempo. little over 8 minute average. not bad.

bear complex
7 reps per round
felt good. 95 was a little frisky on the last 2 rounds.
didn't want to waste myself this am as i am hoping to get in the CFI wod at 5pm.

foam roll

work out the kinks and get ready for a monday. yippee!!

Sunday 9-26

feeling a little spunky maybe? not sure.
strapped on the weight vest an went for a little run.

run 2 miles w/weight vest. 25lbs
mini-heavy cindy
5 rounds at the park
5 pullups on the swing set bar
10 push ups
15 squats
run 1/2 mile home

felt pretty good in the vest. took a little weight out so its about 25 lbs.
pullups were a bit of a jump up to the bar. bar was about 3inches thick which was a new dynamic. pushups were good and squats fine. rested about 10-20 seconds between rounds.

good stuff.

Saturday 9-25

rest day.
not really restful but didn't get a chance to get out for a run/ride/or workout.

no biggee.
nice weather and a nice day to play outside with the kiddies.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday 9-24

up early. rolled over for a minute and then decided to get with it.
feeling pretty solid this am.
couple rest days paid off.

first was warm up. then upped the pace as i went on to bring the intensity up a bit.
nice little change from a straight run.

strength warm up
couple sets to get ready for the met-con
just get loose and stretch the muscles out a bit.
felt pretty good.

"the chief"
3 rounds
3 135# powerclean
6 push ups
9 air squats
rest 1 minute
repeat for 4 total rounds

this was awesome. what a great workout.
really dug it.
i modified it slightly. its supposed to be a 3 min amrap. but i have not counter so figured 3 rounds should take roughly 3 minutes and worked it that way.
felt powerful on the cleans. pushups and squats cranked up the heart rate.
good stuff

foam roll
worked out the kinks a bit and off to the showers.



Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday 9-23

got home late and got to bed late. was up but rolled over.
giving the body an extra day.
no pm wod today as my schedule this week is a mess. argh.

back at it tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday 9-22

rest day

pretty smoked from the doubles monday and tuesday.
slept in.
have a meeting tonite so will be a long day on my feet.

figure to hit it hard tomorrow am again.

Tuesday 9-21 PM

hit CFI for the 5:00 wod.
wasn't feeling awesome in the pm. had been out at the class for work and was a little blah. figured i would rally and see how it went.

5 rope climbs
not sure how tall the rope is. 18' feet maybe? did a couple regular climbs. couple no feet climbs and then got out the weight vest. 45# up the rope. yahoo! that was fun
this is the beauty of working out at the box. rope climbs! can't do that at the gym. such a cool dynamic.

tabata sit ups
20 on 10 off for 8 rounds
used an ab-mat and varied the style. legs up, butterfly, etc.
these got hard into the 4th round
got an average of 14 per round. not bad.

use these as warm up sets for the met-con
stay light

just used these to get into the groove for what was coming.
loaded up the bar and got ready.
maybe should have gone a little heavier to adjust but was warm and loose so let it ride.
back a little tight. think i may have pushed it a little on the roller in the am and then a crappy chair for 4 hours at class didn't help.

225# deadlift

the deads were good. but they smoked my grip for the pullups. couldn't get a good rhythm going. shoulder pretty blown from yesterday as well.
happy with the time. would have liked sub 6 but it was cool.
chased Vic, who smoked this in 3 something and Adam who just got me by a few seconds.

home for a good paleo dinner! yum.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday 9-21 am

slept much better last night.
definitely feeling the workout this am. was thinking about rolling over but got up and moving. pretty heavy workout planned for this pm at ignite so figured i would work out the kinks this am.

run 5k
good tempo run for the first 2 miles then started to kick it up a little for the last. felt pretty good. legs were good and the back and hip felt good.


spent the rest of the time working on mobility and flexibility.

rocked the downward dog and the pigeon pose for a bit to stretch out the hips and hams, etc.
rolled the whole body out. back much less sensitive. better.
felt pretty good to stretch it out.

off to the showers and to the office.

have to attend a training meeting all day. they are providing lunch so will try to keep it as paleo as possible.
been digging the paleo diet. trying to keep it fairly strict. seems to be working.


Monday 9-20 pm

hit up crossfit ignite for the 5pm class. was running a little late so had to kind of jump right in as i missed the warm up. no big deal.

overhead squats
sets of 3
worked up to 155. felt solid. probably had a little more in the tank for those.

5 rounds
run 200m
10 hang power snatch
10 burpess

used 115 for the hang power snatches.
i was in trouble from the first round. the snatches were bad. little too heavy. bad timing on my part. taking way too long.
i got smoked.
20:50 i think. missed a few in the last round and it took forever. argh.

sometimes your the Louisville slugger, last night i was the ball.


good learning experience. need to work on the snatches. really need work from the hang position. have no drive or speed from there.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday 9-20

slept like crap. really have no idea why. just slept poorly.

up early. let the alarm go off and then got moving.
felt pretty good once i was up and running.

run 2 miles
good pace. kicked it up in the last mile and then really kicked it for the last 1/2-1/4.
just a tempo run with a little extra at the end. legs felt good. hips good. back solid.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 squats
kipping pullups. felt good. little twinge in the back here and there but good. fast and efficient. push ups were solid and squats felt good. good depth.


1 deadlift on the minute for 10 minutes

felt good thru these. seemed a little heavier than it should have at first but after a round or two got into the rhythm and cranked them out. felt good to pull heavy from the floor.


off to the showers.

hitting up ignite for a wod after work. awesome!

Sunday 9-19

went out on the local roads and thru down a new route.
4 miles

hilly loop. tough. little hotter than i had thought. felt pretty good.

no time. gotta get a running watch. its on the list......

back is much better. feeling good. rolled a little. little touchy in one small spot.

looking forward to a double on monday. hoorah!

Saturday 9-18

active rest

mow the lawn for time.
pushed the mower around and got the whole lawn done. wonder how far a walk it was?

after that just chilled with the kiddies for the rest of the day.

good relaxing day.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday 9-17

slept in.
oops. not by choice. just didn't wake up. haven't actually out slept my alarm in weeks. usually up before and then either get going or let it go off and then get up and ready.
this am just slept right past. oh well.

was thinking about training this pm but doubt that will happen.

we'll see.

body wants a little rest. can't blame it.

still rocking the paleo challenge. doing good. haven't stepped on the scale but definitely getting leaner. we'll see. energy levels are high and really don't have any crazy cravings.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday 9-16

am- rest
had meetings last night and got home late.

will be hitting up the CFI box for the pm session.

calves a little sore. boo.
back again much better. yeah!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday 9-15

wednesday am.
little slow out of bed this am. not sure why.
feeling better. back is much better.

run 2 miles
fast tempo run. started at 8:30 and began to bring it down right away. into the 7:00's for the last mile.
16:10 not bad.
especially since i was not feeling like running this am.

Back Squats

real back squats again. below parallel . used a 12" box as a guide and got my ass on it for each rep. such a killer dynamic. so much more brutal



230 was tough. almost sallied out and kept it at 225 but wanted to see what i could get.
good stuff.


keeping the back loose. working out the kinks.

Tuesday 9-14 pm

CFI wod

headed over to CFI for their 5pm workout.

CFI chipper

50 box jumps 24"
40 kettle bell swings 2pood
30 lateral jump burpees
20 wall ball 20# ball
10 95# push press
20 wall ball
30 lateral burpees
40 kbs
50 box jumps

the back was feeling better and didn't really bother me much during this. little twinge here and there. no big deal.
this was a soul crusher. just long and merciless.
got in and got it done and was happy with my time. good stuff.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday 9-14

no pm wod last night.
just wasn't going to happen. no big deal.
back is better. not 100% but better. by the end of the week we should be good. just have to be a little careful thats all. little hip pain too just to make it all the more enjoyable.

run 1 mile
not fast. tempo. warm up pace. hip a little yucky. used the mile to work it out and warm it up.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats
back twinged a little on the pull ups. have to watch that. kept them strict. no kipping.
squats and push ups were good.


135 across all sets
rest 1-2 minutes between rounds
good rom. felt pretty solid.

5 rounds

5 kettebell swings
5 goblet squats
5 clapping pushups

moved thru these fast. the kb felt super light since i have been swinging the heavy one at CFI.
good stuff.

worked on opening the hips and back and loosening up.
its helping.

looking to hit up CFI tonite for real this time!!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday 9-13

monday morning! yippee.
up early and out into the misty cold. yuck.
possible double today but we'll see.

run 1 mile
just a warm up ruin to open up the back and hip. little tight. little sore still. but better.

135# deadlift
135# backsquat

powerclean and press into the backsquat position.
all rounds unbroken.
rest 30secs between rounds
used a 12" box to set squat depth.
not for time per se.

felt good and think it stretched out the back and hip a good amount.
felt solid thru both movements.

1x1 intervals
:45on :45off
1:30 on 1:30 off
3:00 on 3:00 off
1:30 on 1:30 off
:45 on :45 off

kept the pace sub 7:00 mile for all intervals. felt pretty snappy. hip a little tight.
kicked it up on the last 2 intervals.

foam roll
still working out the kinks. all in all good stuff.

we'll see of i hit up ignite after work. probably not. but maybe. depends on work schedule.


Sunday 9-12

back was feeling better so decided to get out and try to ease it into gear.

2 miles
took my 9yo daughter out for a run/walk. 2 miles.
she kept a good pace. run for a 1/4 mile or so and walk a little. it was a hoot.

dropped her back off at the house and went out for a different loop.

3.5 miles
tempo pace. easing the back and hip back into the game. little stingy in the hip.

felt much better after. stretched it out and seemed to make some progress.
also rolled it out a lot. much better.

fresh guacamole
good day!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday 9-11


never forget.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday 9-10

rest day

so my back is jacked up. obviously from the crash off the pull up bar. my own fault. sweaty hands, metal bar.....
not so bad but decided to take a day off today so as not to push my luck.

little ibuprofen this am. lots of extra fish oil. we should be back in fighting shape by sunday.

Thursday 9-9 pm

afternoon wod.
was psyched to get back to Ignite for the 5pm wod.

hang clean
build to 3 rep max then 3 sets across

concentrated on getting more hip snap on the jump. the hang is my weak point. would much rather start from the floor. felt good at the end and was getting under the bar well. quick on most. little slow on some. good practice. good tips from coach.


row 1000m
50- 45# thrusters
30- pullups

smoked this! and felt awesome. the row was great. good pace, good stroke count. nice and smooth. thrusters sucked but not as bad as i thought. got 25, 15, 10. pullups were kipping and fast. got 18, 6, 2, 2. on the last rep i lost my grip and flew off the pull up bar only to land square on my back! ouch. probably a 6 foot drop? must have come down on my right hip a little harder cause my back is jacked up on that side.
laid there for a few minutes and then got up and stretched it out. rolled it a little.
definitely going to feel that in the morning!
had a great time and everybody yelling really fired me up to rock out the pull ups.

where's the advil?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday 9-9

thursday am.
up and out early. hmm. thats weird.
legs are thrashed.
think the Curtis p's from yesterday put a little more hurt on them. should have deadlifted. argh. should have stuck to my plan.... always go with the gut....oh well.

figured i would get some work in this am and then hit the Ignite WOD in the pm.
the doubles are definitely a little, hmm, interesting. not going to make a call on them yet.

run 5k
tempo run. little quicker in the last mile.
8:25 pace for the first 2 then picked up to 8:00 and into the 7:00's for the last 800m or so
not a ripper but a good tempo run.
considering i wanted to quit at 2 was good to hang in for the extra mile.

3 rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats

moved thru this quick. just get a rhythm on the pull ups. more to come with those later.
push ups were cool. felt good to stretch out the back a little
squats were hard. still feeling it in the legs big time.
going to suffer thru the thrusters later..

foam roll--ouch!
roll more
roll more.
felt much better after rolling it out a bit.
definitely makes a difference.

looking to stay loose and hit the 5pm wod at Ignite.

still staying paleo!
been pretty strict on it and feeling good. not hungry and trying to make better food choices. definitely feel like i have lost some of the bloat. interesting.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday 9-8

up early. thought about sleeping in but that wouldn't be any fun!

mainsite rest day.
cfe had a wod with powercleans but did those yesterday...argh
flying off the radar.

run 2 miles
legs not too bad this am. little tight.
8:25 pace to start faster in the second mile and faster for the last half. not smoking but moving.

strength warm up
used the decline bench for situps set as high as it would go and used the smallest box to assure that my squats were low!
feeling it on the squats.

was going to deadlift but chickened out. argh. should have....

Curtis P
complex compliments of the Sealfit site
powerclean, right leg lunge, left leg lunge, push press
after the powerclean the barbell stays in the front rack position.
5 rounds
45 used this to get a rhythm

felt good thru these. legs definitely a little wobbly after yesterday. sort of feeling out the weight.
will play with these again. good stuff.

foam roll

spent some time working out the kinks.
no pm wod today.


Tuesday 9-7 pm

pm wod

crossfit ignite wod

hit the 5 pm class. killer! great group and great attitudes all around!!

back squat
build to 5 rep max ans do 3 sets across

so my squat sucked! totally reworked it. not deep enough. just crappy. steve helped me greatly to get it together. spent some time digging in and trying to work it out.

stayed at 195 and concentrated on getting low. i mean real low. ass to grass low. balls to the top of a 20# med ball low.
totally reset my squat but in the best way possible. now have a new challenge. get my squat big again! but this time for real!
have to play with this.
definitely feeling it in the legs today!!

3 rounds
400m run
21 kettlebell swings 24kilo
12 pull-ups
this was a smoker. was racing a guy named adam and it just made it that much more awesome. he got me by about 10 seconds. i struggled on the last run and almost caught him. he waas faster with the swings but i was faster on the pullup bar.
all swings unbroken, all but the last set of pulllups were unbroken. lost my grip after 10, got 11 and had to remount for 12.
just awesome to do this in a group setting.

what a blast!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday 9-7

tuesday am wod

up way before the alarm. rolled over and let it go off.
once it did up and out.
ready to get back into the drill.

run 2 miles
8:25 pace.
good steady tempo work
stretched out the legs and felt good. kicked it up a little at the end but not to much.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 mountain climbers
10 squats

worked thru there fairly quickly. little sluggish. no pushups as we will get to those later today...

warm up 10x45

95 was light
115 still light
135 gets down to business
155 was hwavy but ripped thru the 5
165 was heavy got 3 and then 2
had to reset my grip and really drop and thru the elbows to get it.

good stuff.

spent a little time on the roller. stretched it out.
back a little tight.

looking forward to a killer wod tonite!
going to tr y to hit the 5:00 class.

starting the 30 day paleo challenge as well! hoorah.
here we go. will be tracking my food intake to see how i do.
weighed in this am at 195 which is pretty consistent. won't weight in again till its over.

monday 9-6

got out for a run/park workout on monday.

had the day off for labor day. woohoo!

headed down to kennedy dells park for a trail run and pullup/pushup wod


hero wod for a special forces soldier KIA in Afghanistan.

50 pullups
100 push ups
run 5 k

i changed it up a little.
run approx 1.5 miles
50 pull ups
100 push ups
partitioned as sets of 15/25, 15/25, 10/25, 10/25
run 2+ miles

didn't have a watch.
worked thru the pull/pushes fairly quickly and headed back out on the run.
felt pretty good.

good to be out on the trail.

weekend wrap up

saturday and sunday
active rest
played outside with the kids for the better part of both days.
walked to the park. played on the swings etc. walked around the pond.
played soccer and jumped on the trampoline at home.

good times.
needed the mental break.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday am

active recovery
almost slept in this am.
glad i didn't.

warm up
jump rope.
15 minutes alternating singles, running, double unders
just getting loose and working up a bit of a sweat.
ankles a little stiff but felt good after a few minutes.

turkish get up practice
yes my new favorite exercise!!!
5 reps rh
5 reps lh
used the 16kilo kettlebell. largest at the gym and worked the movement.
felt pretty good. getting it down. forearms a little sore from the bell leaning on it. not muscle sore but a little banged up.

3 rounds
15 ghd situps
15 ghd back extensions

Mobility work

thats was it. good productive morning. active recovery!!

long weekend coming up.
box will be closed due to a rowing cert. maybe a park wod.
might go to kennedy dells and make my own park wod. maybe a little weight vest work?


Thursday pm

part 2
so went back to crossfit ignite for the 6pm wod.
got there a little early so i could get some pointers on the turkish get up.
way cool working thru the progression and big props to Steve for helping me out!!

turkish get up progression
1 right side
1 left side

4 rounds
1 turkish get up right hand
1 turkish get up left hand
3 rh kb windmills
3 lh kb windmills
45 sec plank hold
use heavier bell each round

finished with the big green beast that i was swinging the other night.
53lbs on that bad boy.
stoked to get the movement down and put some weight up on it. looking forward to joining in on the turkish getup challenge. see what kind of weight i can get!

WOD part 2
run 1.5 miles for time
this was a out and back, out and back run on the street. wicked hot. felt pretty good and tied to keep a steady high tempo. faded a little at the 1+ mark but kicked it up for the last 200m or so.
happy with this time. good stuff.

that was the afternoon wod.
happy to learn a few new skills! having fun!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


am workout. going to pull the double again today.
up early and felt pretty good.
figured i would get in a CFE workout

treadmill warm up
run 1 mile
8:30 pace
get the blood flowing

strength warm up
3 rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 mountain climbers
switched it up a little

CFE wod
4mins on 2off
5 mins on 2 off
6 mins on 2 off
5mins on 2 off

ran all of these at a 7:30 pace. felt pretty good. comfortable fast. good pace. the 6 and the last 5 where a little long maybe... but overall felt pretty good.

foam roll

looking forward to heading into the CFI box again tonight for a pm wod.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010


up before the alarm and a little slow moving.
but after yesterdays double it was to be expected.
got out and went to get some work down.

run 5k
tempo run
8:30 pace. just stretching the body out. never in the red zone.
felt pretty good. but a little tired.

3 rounds
10 pullups
10 push ups
10 squats
moved thru these steady. not for speed but good form and to loosen up.

was going to throw down the mainsite amrap but decided to just roll and stretch and recover a little.
think it was a wise choice as i was a little tired and could use a recovery day.

looking to hit it hard again tomorrow and maybe do the CFI 6pm class.


Tuesday part 2

2 a day tuesday?
so, i got a pass for crossfit ignite in westwood nj from my sis. i called and talked to Steve and he invited me to come on down and check it out. well off i went.

after a little wod this am an 11 hours at work plus the 90degree heat and 400% humidity i was a little leery on how the body would respond.

it went pretty good!

skill wod
4 rounds
2 power cleans
2 front squats
2 back squats
superset with 2 muscle ups

worked on a jumping muscle up and was getting it on the higher rings. still need to work it out but made some progress and was way happy about that!
barbell complex felt good. maybe a little light. kind of conservative with the weight. feeling out the atmosphere a bit.

3 rounds
run 400m
30 box jumps 24" box
30 kettlebell swings 53#

this was great. the box jumps slowed me down a bit and the humidity took its toll into the 3rd round but felt pretty good all things considered. thats the heaviest bell i have swung and got it moving and felt good.

had a blast meeting everybody at the box. Steve was super nice and gave me some killer tips!
so, i may have found a box to work at. we'll see. gotta work out the scheduling.
