Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday 9-13-11

took Sunday off.
was busy doing some stuff around the house. never motivated to get out and run etc...

rolled over this am. went to sleep late and have been sleeping like crap. need to suck it up and motivate in the am. gotta break the cycle......

tomorrow? maybe...

Saturday 9-10-11

local run loop.
3.5/4 miles or so.
decent pace.  felt fairly solid.

3 rounds
25 push ups
25 squats
did these immediately after competing the run.

again felt ok. need to get back into a steady groove...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday 9-7-11

i'm a mess.
woke up to the alarm and listened to the rain hit the roof....
yeah it ain't easy i told myself..
yeah maybe one more day...
just roll over...
so i did. defeated.
where is the fire? the motivation? gone? not so sure....

yeah, it will come back, was a bad August. July was awesome and the spring beginning of summer was sweet. then it all went away.
we'll see what happens tomorrow......


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday 9-6-11

rolled over this am.
ended up getting to bed late last night and the sound of the rain hitting the roof didn't make it to appealing to jump out of bed. argh.

maybe still fighting some lingering sluggishness? just lazy? maybe.
back in the gym tomorrow.


Monday 9-5-11

out for a little run today.
felt pretty crappy before hand actually. sluggish

3 miles
recovery run? just a solid pace effort to try to wake the body up and beat out the grogginess.

100 push ups 25-25-25-25
100 squats 25-25-25-25

little sluggish, still very humid so maybe that was taking its toll.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday 9-4-11

took the family to rockland lake. they walked i ran

4.5 miles. sub 8 pace. felt good. humidity was brutal. sapped a bit out of me by the end. walked another mile with them to cool down. good day all in all.

looking at hitting the gym tomorrow am. good way to start the holiday and kick into fall.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday 9-3-11

Saturday. hoo rah
local loop, 4 miles. solid pace. no timers, no gps, just feet on the road. felt great to get out. needed the head clearing.
100 push ups in the driveway afterwards. 50-25-25

will try to get out and do something similar tomorrow.
need to get the focus back.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday 9-2-11

i rolled over this am. stressed, tired, wiped out. too much going on and not enough mental fortitude to deal.
need to clear the fog. will be doing some running over the weekend and maybe some bodyweight movements. need to step away and focus. breathe....
back in the swing monday hopefully........


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday 9-1-11

Welcome to September! holy cow, what happened to the summer?
took today as rest day. 1 on 1 off this week. weekend coming up and will get some work in outside.
feeling pretty solid from the last couple days so that's a plus.
