Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday 8-31

up and out. can't say i didn't want to roll over but gotta get back in the groove.

warm up
run 1 mile
8:00 get legs moving.

bear complex

-stopped at 95. felt solid all the way thru. accomplished what i needed to with 3 sets.


-first three sets were strict press and solid.
135 went up good. still solid press.
145 last rep required a little drive
155 were heavy and required a little dip and drive

Handstand push up

3 sets of five. good form and went pretty good all the way thru. need to get deeper ROM but will be working on these.

Work Capacity
3 rounds
50- double unders
20- push ups
40- double unders
20- walking lunge
30 double unders
20- hand to hand kettlebell swings 36#

-worked thru this quick. all rounds of push ups, lunges, and swings unbroken. tried to focus on smooth double unders. flow, rhythm, breathe, etc. felt pretty solid. couple broken sets here and there but was stringing some good ones together. again a skill i need to focus on.

Foam roll
-again spent some time focusing on this. definitely pays dividends in the long run.

tomorrow? hmmm not sure. kind of making it up as i go this week. we'll see. maybe all bodyweight with some running or rowing? maybe power cleans and sprints? hmm.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday 8-30-11

weekend wrap..
got a good 3.5 mile run in saturday. felt great. then did hurricane prep.

hurricane. chilled.

up and out and back to the gym!

warm up
run 1 mile
8:20 pace. just to get going

3 rounds
10 pull-ups
20 push ups
20 wall ball

-solid effort. quick and unbroken except for last round of pull-ups


felt solid. little sluggish and not super but decent considering. stayed at 265 which was a pretty good weight and kept the form on point. no need to rip it to hard. just want to get back into it.

foam roll
-spent some time here as i am way behind on this and feeling the effects.

all in all a good workout. not the kind of quality or quantity from earlier in the summer but solid. need to get it back and get my head right. all f'd up lately. slow and steady..

rest day. 1 on 1 off for the week and see what what the weekend brings. slowly move back into the groove. slowly....


Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday 8-15-11

rainy mountain bike ride at Stewart. 17 miles. little drizzle. some new trail exploring. good stuff.
little b-day party for Mom after to finish of the day.
felt pretty crappy by later in the day. not sure what the deal was with that.

still a little off. slept in.
will be up early and ready to hit it hard in the am tomorrow. think this crappy weather is bringing me down. we'll see. maybe just a little burnt out.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday 8-12-11

excellent. up with the alarm. snoozed it once... then up and out and feeling pretty spry...

warm up/baseline
run 1 mile 8:pace
wall ball
push ups
-solid effort thru this. quick and smooth. smooth is fast!! lol

work capacity
15- manmakers 25#db
5- curtis p's 95# bar
run 400m
10- manmakers
10- curtis p's
run 400m

-this was supposed to have a third round but the run started to twinge my right thigh...argh. not sure whats up with that. felt great up till about 380m of the 2nd 400. so i called it in favor of being able to run/walk over the weekend!!
manmakers are brutal. i dropped the weight to see what they were all about. they are hard...
curtis p's are always super fun... first round was 3-1-1 second round was 2-2-2-2-2
good stuff and a solid gasser.

front squat
2-225 1-fail


-worked up to heavy sets of 3 on the front squat. haven't worked these in a while and they felt great. deep full range of motion and strong coming out the bottom. 225 was tough. all the other sets went up pretty good. not easy, but solid work. have to look back and see where i have gotten to in the past on these..
-did the set of 5 at 85% so 185. they were hard and the form on the last 2 was poor. had thought about doing a few sets there but thought better after form broke down.

foam roll
-focused on the upper back and legs. tight spots. tried to open them up and work it out a little.

TGIF! hooyah!

maybe road ride tomorrow am. would like to run but thinking the thigh is busted.
MTB ride on Sunday at Stewart.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday 8-11-11

hey! who forgot to reset my alarm?


woke up at 3 and was like sweet got another hour...
woke up again and was like hmm, no alarm yet? 5:30.....argh

no sense rushing and getting nothing done so roll over and call it.

no ride last night, i knew it wasn't happening....

maybe a run tonight? that would be nice. we'll see..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday 8-10-11

rest day....
i am sore. can't lie to you. yes i could have gotten up and gone in. i was awake at 4. it hurt to turn the alarm off. yup. sore.
it feels good. but i know my body needs the day. wouldn't be generating any power in there today. just going thru the motions and that's not what i need.

got a new book last night and was up till 10:30+ reading it as well. should have been sleeping but its a good one. will post up info later.

might try to make the MTB ride at Stewart tonite but that's doubtful. we'll see. it will be sloppy if i go and not stoked to trash the bike. argh, who cares...we'll see...


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday 8-9-11

let the alarm snooze a couple times and then finally hopped out and got to it.
little sore this am. nothing crazy. just know i did some work yesterday...

run 1 mile
8:00 pace. just let the body wake up a little.
active stretch- hip mobility, sampson, squats, etc... loosen up a little

5 rounds
run 400m
20 push ups
20 wall ball
-actual workout called for 3 rounds but i was feeling a little frisky.... so went for 5.
solid work on the runs and the legs felt good. little twinge on run 4 but nothing crazy. all 6:50ish pace. push ups were chest to deck and felt good. wall balls same as yesterday but felt much better. probably because i wasn't smoked! solid work here.

Work Capacity
4x500m row
the SF workout called for a 3 mile run but with the weird leg thing i didn't want to push it. felt solid on the mile and thru the 400's so figured i would change it up and hop on the rower.
-3 minute rest between rounds. times were consistent and seemed pretty solid. roughly 32-34 strokes per minute and felt pretty strong. last 100 always brutal... this was a good sub for today.

Foam roll
-the foam roller kicked my ass again. my back was all locked up and this helped tremendously. IT bands were gnarly and was able to loosen them up a bit. mixed in some plyo sudo yoga moves to further stretch it out.

this was just what i was looking for today. solid work.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday 8-8-11

so last week was a wash. totally in post race promoting hang over, busy at work and some external stress.
weekend was chill as well.
no riding, no running, just chilling.
rain killed the ride plan for sunday. no desire to trash my bike, etc...

up early this am and looking forward to some suffering!

run 1 mile
8:00 pace
-still have some funky twitchy issue in the right quad. weird. ran thru it but had i tried to get a few more miles in it may have been a repeat for last weeks lock up. odd.

active stretch
sampson, squat, arm circles, etc....

work capacity
50+ 1 round for time of..

50 box jumps
50 pull ups
50 kettle bell swings
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press @ 95#
50 mountain climbers
50 wall ball
50 burpees
50 double unders

-this was actually the perfect wod to come back to because it is way outside my wheelhouse. long chippers traditionally have beat me down hard. the mental aspect is the worst. i focus on whats ahead and not the task at hand.
-today i tried to work on that. good reps, good pace, focus on the task at hand, break it down into little pieces, chip away at it...
-50 minutes later and i was done! the first 4 or so exercises weren't that bad...but by the time i got to the push press, and then the wall ball and burpees were brutal. the double unders were hard as i was smoked. took full concentration to group a bunch together.
-this was a true smoker. wanted to quit a hundred times. didn't think i could even begin the burpees let alone finish them. perfect for today! solid effort. solid.

10- 135

not a great deadlift session but was smoked from the work capacity so kept the weight a little low and focused on form and good strong pulls. let myself recover while working thru these sets and felt pretty solid on the sets of 3. stopped after 3 as i want to be able to work tomorrow as well!! ha! walking back into it, not running!

need to get my head back into this. got some serious crap going down at work, home, etc... so need a solid focus, and a healthy outlet.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday 8-3-11

currently suffering from post race promoting fatigue/hangover....etc...

race went great. really turned out well.
got home late sunday and up early for work.
played in a golf outing monday pm and home late after dinner.

played catch up yesterday am and still this am as well.

i was up ay 4 but had nothing. looking to get back in the swing tomorrow.

gotta get back on the horse. playtime is over!