Friday, February 19, 2010


oh yeah. up and at it early today and what a way to start the day! great mainsite wod today. a reall crusher!

warm up
run 1.5 miles
just ran. felt good and kept the pace reasonable but good.

strength warm up
figured i would use these sets to get the blood flowing and get ready for the wod.
seemed to work well. by the time i was ready to load the bar i felt pretty loose and ready to rock.

5 rounds
max rep thruster 2/3 bodyweight
max rep pull-up

this was like and uber-fran.
set up the bar with 135lb. rx'd with 3lbs added for good measure!!


first set of thruster was good but got heavy toward the end. the first set of pull-ups blew me away. 21 was way more than i thought ti would get but they just flew by.
2nd and 3rd set the thrusters got heavy in the push press. failed on rep 7 to lock out on both those rounds. pull-ups still felt good. moving my bodyweight well.
rounds 4 and 5 were survival. the thrusters were hard and couldn't lock out 6 on round 4 and after 4 on round 5 i knew i was done. the pull ups after those rounds really fell short but i was feeling it hard at that point.
used about 2 minutes rest between sets. didn't keep and eye on the clock but it seemed to work out that way over all. moved right from thrusters to pull-ups. minimal rest here.

this was a beast of a workout and an awesome one at that. very cool!
great way to start a friday.
tomorrow will be mainsite rest day and i think i will try to get a cfe workout in and maybe some bodyweight stuff. really blasted from linda and now this!


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