Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow day!

so we are getting a bit of snow today. yippee! woke up to a dusting but its supposed to keep up al through the day. we'll see!
up a little late but out of the house and to a basically empty gym. everybody staying home due to weather.
treadmill warm up
felt good on this today. picked the pace up progressively on the mile and ran out the last 1/4
good warm up. hams a little sore still but feel good after yesterdays squats.

no strength warm up today. figured i would bust into the WOD after the run.

20# wall ball shots
l-pull ups

25# dumbbell thrusters
tuck/x pull ups


the darn dumbbell thrusters get me every time. they are just hard. used 25 to be able to keep the met-con high. i have used 40's in the past and they get to heavy after a bunch of reps. as it was the shoulders burned like a mother!
subbed tuck or as some people call them x pull-ups for the l-pull ups. still working on those but the tuck ones felt good. good form and rocked them out.
had to break both exercises into sets. not gonna lie i was getting gassed by both of these!!
used the wall clock. yes i need to get a stopwatch! argh. 18/19 mins. pretty happy with that. i was fried at the end.

all in all felt good today. little stiff/sore but pretty good.
now suffer thru a snowday in the office and then go home and shovel for time!!

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