Wednesday, June 16, 2010


hump day? half way?
woke up at midnight. totally awake for no reason. well i was having really weird dreams ans stressing about some things at work. argh. finally fell back to sleep.
alarm went off and i snoozed it. wasn't tired just wanted to lay there. so i did.
up and out. felt fine once i got moving.
mainsite rest day so went fishing for a workout. came up with a variation on one that i saw.

treadmill warm up
run 2 miles
good pace. pretty fast and kicked it up at the end. feeling good here. heel a little stiff this am. probably cause i didn't stretch it the past 2 days.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 push up
10 squats

felt real good here. little surprised actually. figured last nights weird sleep would catch up to me.

modified from Crossfit NYC.
5 rounds
clean and jerk ladder
ladder from 1 rep to 5
perform 1 rep. put bar down perform 2 reps, etc to five and then start over.
complete 5 rounds as fast as possible

did 5 rounds in 22 minutes. first couple went pretty quick. maybe a little too quick as i was gassed after the 5 rep set and had to take an extended break. got into my rhythm and started to bang these out. no pause between the 1 and 2 rep sets. the a short break and do the 3, break 4, break 5.
all sets unbroken. once the bar was pulled i didn't let go till the rx'd reps were complete.
used 115 as it said to use 75% on your press max. figured 155 for a good clean press and worked off that.
all these cleans were power cleans, not full squat cleans. had done squat cleans the other day so wanted to focus on the power aspect. bar speed off the floor and catch high. felt good.
sweating like a beast in there this am. kind of humid. yuck.

stretched it out after and then hit the showers. as it was i was a little behind.

and now back to the grind. oh happy day.


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