Monday, June 28, 2010


little sluggish when the alarm went off this am. monday.
going to be a scorcher as well.

treadmill warm up
run 1.5
8:30 pace. felt easy. good warm up

strength warm up
10 65# romanian deadlifts
10 push up
10 squats
wanted to stretch the hams so used the rdl's.
felt good. moved thru this quick but kept the deads slow and steady with good extension on the bottom. focused on pushing the hips back and weighting the heels.

deadlift warm up

5 rounds for time and load
5 deadlifts
5 handstand push ups

so still have issues with hspu so subbed 50#dumbbell presses.
used 295 for the deadlifts

first few rounds were good. should have used heavier dumbells. grip started to get a little loose on the 3rd round. had to do the deads in sets of 3/2, 2-2-1, etc.
5th round got 3 deads and the form fell apart so moved to the presses. went back and didn't have it. called it there. 12minutes +/- on the wall clock.

all in all good stuff. the deads were heavy but thats a lot of weight for those reps.
could have used a heavy dumbbell for the press but they were good. strict form.

cash out
3x5 weighted pullups
55# dumbell
used a 55# dumbell between the legs and cranked these out pretty quick.
good for the grip.
need to get the grip strength up. maybe start doing some farmers carry's at the end of the workouts. we'll see.

all in all a productive monday.
basically making up the workouts from the weekend.

hooray for a new week!

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