Tuesday, May 25, 2010


feels like the squat workout was effective even if i had to alter my plan weight wise. legs a little spongy this am. back seems 100% better. not totally off the hook but much better. no cause for alarm this am.
checked out the mainsite and well ain't it a bitch.....of a workout that is. yikes. FRAN!

so we start the morning with a benchmark workout. a real ball breaker. looks so simple on paper. but well you know how that goes.

warm up
run 2 miles
gotta get the legs ready. steady pace. endurance pace. felt good.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 push ups
10 squats
10 sit ups
felt good here. little stiff at the start but got loose. the sets served their purpose.

95# thrusters

6:41 as rx'd
this is a good time. first time i hardcore timed it. used the stopwatch on my blackberry.
i felt i could have gotten a better time but was really suffering.
the first round was unbroken 21 thrusters/21 pullups
second round was 10/5 on the thrusters and 8/7 on the pullups
needed a break before the last set. 10 sec? 20 sec? not sure
third set 6/3 thrusters and 6/3 pullups
form was well speed form. not great. thrusters got heavy toward the end. pullups were done on the straight bar and my hand spacing was a little off i think. need to use this bar more. and need to work on the kipping pullups in this wod. need to get more comfortable with them
room for improvement!

i was totally cashed after this. i left it all out there. which is what you are supposed to do with this.

foam rolled after. god that hurts! seems to help though. rolled out the back and that helped a lot. IT bands are still the worst. quads and hams were sore from yesterday.

what a way to start a tuesday.


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