Tuesday, May 11, 2010


up and at it again!
mainsite rest day but i had make-ups to do.
i didn't hear about it till it was too late, but Saturday there was a memorial wod for Chris Hrbek who was killed in Afghanistan. Chris was the step son of a good friend and customer of mine. figured this would be a great way to make up for a rest day on Sunday!

warm up
run 1/2 mile
just stretching the legs here. the wod would be punishment enough no need to get to involved in a warm up

Chris Hrbek Memorial Wod courtesy of Crossfit Ignite, Westwood NJ

run 1 mile
5 rounds
20 push ups
20 squats
20 burprees
run 1 mile

i decided to give this a go with the 30# vest on. just to really send it home. scaled it a bit.

scaled to 3 rounds on the push up/squat/bupree triplet.
the push ups and squats weren't too bad but the burpees kicked my ass with the weight vest on. diffacult to recover from set to set as well. the first mile was good the finishing mile was a death march! should have used the treadmill i am used to and not the ones in the back but thats just excuses!

this was a great workout and just what i needed. fantastic workout for when you are on the road as you don't need anything but your running shoes.
i didn't watch the clock on this so not sure of overall time.

i will do this one again!

tuesday! maybe a heavy day tomorrow? that would be fun!

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