Friday, July 16, 2010


there many have been a few stoli and tonics consumed last night.
i may have gone to bed a but late after watching a movie.

i still got up and hit it hard! this i am pleased with...

up and out at regular time. felt pretty good actually. drank a lot of water last night.

treadmill warm up
run 5k
hopped on and planned to throw down 2miles. set a 8:20 pace and went at it. got into and kept kicking the pace up. figured what the heck and ran out the 5k. 25:50 including the .10 mile walk/jog warm up. was just bouncing along. felt real solid. heel was in good shape. rolled it out last night again on the frozen bottle and it really helped.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats
all as usual here. did 3 different grips on the pull ups just to spice it up a little.


165 (2-f-f)


felt pretty good here. got the first 2 at 165 and then struggled on the third. set the bar down. reset and tried again. no dice.
went to 160 and cranked them out. heavy but got them. then went back to 155 and got those.
did a max rep set on 135 and got 8. pretty good. still need a little work here. but making progress it seems.

adapted from the cfe site
3 rounds
15 kettlebell swings
15 GHD sit ups
15 75# power snatch

10 minutes +/- on the wall clock.
did real ghd sit ups on this. first time really using these. they are hard! the KBS were pretty easy but felt it in the shoulders. the powersnatches were hard. got thru them but the last set was 10/5.

cashed out after this.

foam rolled
few yoga-esque moves
really want to work on the flexibilty and mobility issues. having a little extra time to roll and such is a huge help!

happy friday.

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