Friday, July 9, 2010


long week for what should have been a short one. hot. think the heat is frying everybody's brain.
ankle and heel felt much better this am. not sure if the stretching and not running hard on it yesterday helped. maybe the doubleunders were worse than running on it? well its very startnge how it comes and goes.

treadmill warm up
run 1.5
just 1.5 today. was running a little late and wanted to get some other stuff done.
same pace as yesterday. just getting the blood flowing

strength warm up
3 rounds
10- 95# Romanian deadlifts
10- push ups
10- squats
used the deadlifts to stretch out the hams after yesterdays dl session.
push ups and squats were good. figured to leave the pull ups out after a good amount of them yesterday.

strength wod
kept all these strict. no push

Strength Wod

at 135 and up i had to use a little push to get it going. felt pretty good. good extension. 155 was heavy. got three. failed on 4 and 5. may have been able to put the bar down and get another 2 but was cashed at that point.
happy with these. kicking around a few strength options for the weeks to come and these numbers help to see were i'm at.

checked out the mainsite and there was a hero workout up. it had fairly heavy deads, muscle ups, and cleans. since i did heavy deads yesterday i passed on this. may make it up tomorrow or next week incorporate it into my deadlift day. instead i opted for this..

Bear Complex
power clean, front squat, press, back squat, press= 1 rep
7 reps per round
5 rounds
105 5/2
rules are you can't put the barbell down once you start. got thru all the rounds till the 5th rep of the 5th round. went down for the 6th power clean and had nothing. put the bar down, rested 10 secs and finished the round.
like the bear. it was really a mother after the presses as my shoulders were blasted. happy with the reps at 105. rx'd it calls to add 10# per round but i altered it a little today. will have to give it a shot as rx'd at some point. see if i can crank out a 135# round. yikes!!

since the foot was feeling a little better i figured i would thru in a run wod for good measure.
45sec on
45 off
1:30 on
1:30 off
3:00 on
3:00 off
3:00 on
1:30 off
1:30 on
45 off
45 on
started these at a 7:00 pace and kept making them faster. finished the last :45 sec interval at 6:10 pace. felt surprisingly good. almost like i should have had the speed higher.

after this stretched and rolled it out for a few and hit the showers.

digging the extra time.

so the work week ends. hoping to get in a ride on sunday. we'll see.


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