Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday qualifier complex

mainsite rest day. boo! well not really but needed to do something else.
didn't feel like a long run, trying to let the heel recover. much better this am than last. not 100% but better. might be my work shoes are aggravating it? not sure. need to stretch it out more as well. we'll see.
checked the CFE site for a weight workout an passed. moved over to cfnyc and checked out the blackbox wod. bingo!!

run 2 miles
first 1/4 warmup and then pace the rest of the first mile. kicked it up in the last mile. felt good.

strength warm up
3 rounds
20 push-ups
15 air squats
just used it as a little change from the dips, pull-up, squat triple. like it. nice change. moving bodyweight in a different way. may start to load up some burpees for warm ups as well. we'll see.

black box wod.
from aussie qualifiers

7 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
7 front squat
7 chest to overhead press
amrap 10mins
qualifier was 40kg so i used 85lbs

holy smoker batman!
did a 5 rep round with a 45#bar just to feel the movement and the rested a minute and loaded up with 85#

long story short was 5 rounds plus 7 dl's. finished the 6th round just to "round" it out. haha!

this was a smoker. really took more out of me than i thought. the first 2 rounds were not bad. the 3rd round of hpc smoked my grip and i suffered on the front squats. had to drop the bar and regrip/rack for the presses. i'm sure all the pressing yesterday didnt help but they were not exactly easy.
i had some illusions of how many rounds i might actually get but i think this was a fair effort. might have been able to get thru the 6th round clean in time if i had been really racing it. tried to pace it out a little.
very hard. liked it alot!!! will do this again. this is up there with the bear complex in my book of barbell complex lovers. the snatch complex was harder skill wise but this was a smoker.

kiddies b-day today!! will be eating cake later! yes i am cool with that!!

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