Friday, March 12, 2010

Freestyle friday

mainsite rest day.
thought about making up yesterdays wod but wasn't really into it. trolled around to see what other sites had going on and decided to freestyle it.
figured i would get a run in and then go a strength warm up and maybe a barbell complex

run 5k
so a little run turned into a 5k. felt good once i got going and the foot seemed to loosen up. there was minor discomfort but it wasnt bad. we'll see how it holds up for the rest of the day. hopefully we should be good. 27:00 even for the 5k which for not really being focused was pretty good. i used the first 1/4 to get warmed up as well so that was a walk/jog. interested to see what i can do for a actual all out 5k effort. 25? maybe. we'll see.

skipped the strength warm-up circuit in favor of incorporating it into my barbell complex sets.

barbell complex
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
behind head press

7 rounds 5 reps per round


used the 55 and 65 rounds as basic warm ups. these were light but i wanted to stretch out a little and get into the movements. things get interesting at 95. the 105 round was heavy but good and unbroken. moved into the 115 fairly confident. i have done heavier rounds. got 4 good reps and then failed on the 5th. couldnt get the push press and had to put the bar down. done.

good workout. glad that the foot is feeling better. barbell complex was hard but not nearly as hard as it had been in the past. need to start heavier.

good start to a friday!

weather looks like shit for the weekend but we will see. have to work all day tomorrow so will most likely get in in the pm.


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