Thursday, April 8, 2010


great weather day yesterday. took the kids and some cub scouts for a hike at a local park after work. had a blast. great way to end the day.
up early this am but let the alarm go off and snoozed it once.
left hamstring a little sore but the right heel is better.

treadmill warm-up
run 1.5 miles
only 1.5 this am. wanted to keep it short. felt good and could have easily thrown down a few extra miles but wanted to focus on other stuff. trying not to burn out on the running. liking what its doing and don't want to get sick of it.
really wish we had a rower at the gym.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 ghd sit ups
standard non sense here. moved fast and felt good. push ups were a breeze, pull-ups kept strict, and the sit ups were the same, hard after a couple rounds.

5 rounds
155# deadlift 12 reps
155# hang power clean 9 reps
155# push jerk 6 reps

this is a monster of a workout as rx'd. i really fought with what to do with the weight on this. 155 is too heavy for the rep scheme for me. thought about going fairly light and trying to speed it up.
ended up with 135. this was HEAVY. yeah H-E-A-V-Y!! after the first round i wasn't sure what to do. maybe i needed to drop it down. fuck it! kept going. the hang power cleans were the hardest. the push jerks, which i did as push presses were heavy but doable. by the 3rd round i sort of got my rhythm on the hang power cleans. they might have been a little ugly but i got the weight up.
this was a beast. 24 minutes, 5 rounds, 135 pounds.
kicked my ass!

should be a mainsite rest day tomorrow so will have to formulate a plan.


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