Monday, April 12, 2010


had to work in the am so got to the gym at noon. was looking forward to getting some work done. friday's rest was needed. body needed a little break.

treadmill warm up
run 2 miles
moderate/fast pace. felt good.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 sit up
10 squats

these went well and felt good. moved thru fast and the pull ups were easy. rest day made a big difference here.

5 rounds
20 135# backsquats
20' handstand walk
ok so i cannot do handstand walks. figured i would try o find some kind of sub that worked a similar muscle group. decided on single arm dumbbell presses with 45#

modified wod
20 135#backsquats
20 45# single arm dumbbell press (10 each arm)

holy painful. the backsquats were as hard as i figured. yeah the weight was light but the rep count was high. the db presses were heavy and hard. had to break them into groups to get in done.
can't remember my time. 15 maybe? have to look back in the notebook. very hard though.

cash out.
run 2 miles
tired but felt good to get a few more miles in. may have pushed it a bit as i was feeling it in my right heel after.

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