Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday 4-5-11

up before the alarm again. sweet. feeling pretty solid this week, of course its only Tuesday..

warm up
row 2k
didn't want to push it on the foot. still a little tender on the bottom so rowed instead.
7:10 for a moderate 2k. felt good.

work capacity
amrap 30 minutes
20 wall ball
40 double unders

11 rounds.

this was one of those deceiving ones on paper. looks like you can crank right thru...then you get into it and....
wall ball was with 16# ball and they were throws as i don't throw against the gym wall. all rounds of wall ball's unbroken.
double unders were ok. some good rounds and some crappy rounds. need to work on these as i lost a good bit of time here.

this was definitely a smoker. good stuff.

called for 3 mile run but want to let the foot get better so instead i made up the other barbel complex from yesterday.

3 rounds
1 min for max reps @ 95#
squat clean
front squat
push press
back squat
rest 1 min between rounds

holy cow. just shattered by this. the deads were solid and fast but then the squat cleans just crushed me. the front squats were hard as the shoulders and grip were fatigued. push presses taxed the soulders further and the back squats were about survival. argh.

just wasted after 3 rounds of that.
good stuff....

foam roll

thats all for today. off to the office.


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