Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday 3-16-11

little sluggish this am. maybe the time change? maybe the rain moving in..but little lacking in drive.

warm up
run 1 mile
8:15 pace.

3 rounds Fast!
run 400m
20 wall ball 16#
20 push ups

400's were in the 1:25 range.
wall balls were deep squat and high throw with the 16# ball which is the heaviest i have access to
all push ups unbroken.
little gassed after this. feeling meh.


165 was heavy on the press. front squat was solid but the press got heavy. have to keep that drive thru the thruster to generate bar speed. felt ok. not stellar but ok.

3 rounds
3- 135# thruster
10 burpees

moved thru this quick. thrusters were solid and the burpees were unbroken and fairly quick
started to feel a little better here but still the motivation level was a little low.
went into the back to see what kind of work capacity i had left...

work capacity
3 rounds
50- wall ball
40- kettlebell swings
30- med ball sit-ups
20- press 45#
10- double unders

moved thru this quick and felt surprisingly solid. the wall balls and swings were a little rough as the shoulders were blown at that point. same with presses.
felt good to make my way thru it and get done.

modified this from the seal fit site.

foam roll

work some mobility.

rainy day. solid work load though for feeling like rolling over and going back to sleep.


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