Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday 12-1

December? really? already.......
yucky rain too start the month, guess its better than snow...for now at least.
little blah this am. didn't much feel like getting out of bed but rolled over and hit the floor. gotta get up and go!
foot much better this am. still no running. taking the rest of the week off and letting it heal.

warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
15 push ups
20 squats

opened up with this standard. good stuff. been killing the pullups lately. all rounds unbroken with no rest between. good fast pace warm up.

Back Squat


255 was solid. good depth and form.
275 was heavy but solid. still pretty deep and good form.
295 was short and heavy. definitely not all the way down. got 3 but they were only 80% awesome. definitely need to go lower on the heavier sets. maybe drop the weight down again and work the form. drive up and out of the hole.

finisher. good and deep. reset the form i was looking for.

brought my grip in closer and moved my thumb to the top of the bar. makes a big difference. the bar sits lower and rests on the upper traps. no stress on the shoulders, wrists etc. liking that.
still need to work the depth. may have to start using the ball again to get the depth.

adapted form the crossfit ignite site

3 rounds
10- kettlebell squat clean 35# each hand
rest 10 seconds
10- kettlebell racked walking lunges 35# each hand
rest 10 seconds
30 second plank hold
rest 10 seconds

had planned to get 5-6 rounds of this in but after 3 i was shelled and was having trouble keeping the squat cleans and walking lunges unbroken. may have bitten off a little too much weight on these? doubtful, think it was just hard and i was a little tired this am..
so 3 rounds.


foot held up good today. definitely a tendon issue. must have stressed the foot a little too much. will start running in the vibrams again, but lower mileage... and see how it goes.
good chance to reset the odometer and start to work toward the half marathon in the spring.

rainy wednesday!

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