Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday 12-10

12 degrees this am. nice.

felt good to get up and get moving. need to keep the motivation level high. tough time of year for it.

still no running but am getting closer. left foot is great. right foot was a little sore. weird. maybe from compensating for the other?

jump rope.
7 minutes of rope jumping
mix singles, doubles, running, etc
was able to get a couple of good double unders strings. 20, 10 etc. but still not consistent.
felt ok. foot bothered me a little during and i think that hurt the double unders.
thru in a set of pullups at one point just for kicks.

snatch complex
w/u with 45# bar

3- snatch grip deadlifts
3- hang power snatch
3- overhead squats
3- full snatch


all good sets. the weight was manageable and kept the focus on the form.
felt good. took a little longer to get thru these. the 105 set was a gasser.

adapted from Ignite

30- kettle bell swings
10- burpees
15- r/l kettle bell snatch
20- mountain climbers
10- r/l kettlebell thrusters
rest 1 minute between rounds

this was a gasser. definitely got the heart rate up and the blood pumping.
the kettlebell thrusters were hard. snatches were good. 15 was a long set of reps.

foam roll

good stuff for a friday am.
overall the body is feeling good. once i get the foot issues sorted out i will be rocking and rolling.

so happy friday!!!

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