Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday 11-4

chilly, rainy, yeah!
so little sluggish rolling over today. but got up and got going....

run 1.5
7:30 pace. nice and steady state to get moving.

warm up
50 squats
40 kbs
30 45# thrusters
20 pushups
10 pullups

used this to get ready for what was to come. yikes.

95# thruster

3-2-1-go! yeah i wasn't super psyched for this... just saying.. its a nasty workout.
went at it today without a clock. focused on the movement and being fluid and consistent. mission accomplished. 1st round unbroken on the thrusters and the pullups. the 15 was 10/5 on thrusters and 10/5 on pullups, the 9 was unbroken thrusters but 5/4 pullups only cause i lost my rhythm and had to get off the bar to reset.
no time as that wasn't the goal. took a few seconds between rounds and a couple seconds under the pull ups bar. moved thru pretty quick and kept it solid. definitely kicked my ass but i was feelign much stronger than the last time this came up so that goes to show we are moving in the right direction.


little stiff/sore in the shoulders today. imagine it will be similar tomorrow so i tried to roll them out well.

rainy thursday! yippee!


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