Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday 11-11

up and out on time today! yeah. no alarm malfunction!

run 2 miles
started at a 7:40 pace to get warm and get into my stride. feeling good in the VFF's.
stepped up the pace after an little and kept working it up. finished the last 400 or so sub 7
calves still a little tight but much better.

strength warm up
3 rounds
10 pullups
10 push ups
10 squats

skill work
squats and box jumps
warmed up with a couple 20" and 24" jumps
got out the 30" box and started in

10x135 back squats 3x30" box jump
8x185 back squat 3x30+1 plate box jump
5x225 back squat 3x30+2 plates box jump
3x245 back squats 2x30+3 plates

the 30+3 plates got in my head a little. missed the first. stuck the second and the third was a little sloppy. figured that was a good place to stop and move on to the met con.

5 rounds
5- 225# back squat
20- 35# kbs
10- 45# overhead walking lunge

10:00+/- on the wall clock.
this was edited from the crossfit ignite site. don't have a heavy kettlebell so i doubled the reps and added 2 squats

this was a beast of a met-con but perfect! great mix of heavy skill, speed and endurance.
need heavier bells!! argh.

foam rolled
hit the showers.

happy Veterans Day! remember what these guys and gals have given up so that we don't have to!!

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