that's what some of the boys i know call it and sometimes that an apropos name.
had a great week of workouts leading up to xmas eve. was following crossfit mainsite wod's and really enjoying the 1-10-1-20-1-30 protocol. killed the front squats and deadlifts. felt great.
then we started to party at work on thursday..........
you probably shouldn't have bourbon with your breakfast.... nuff said!
took friday, saturday and sunday off. half by choice, half out of holiday necessity and half just to recharge. felt good to take a few days and was stoked to get back to the gym this am. but.....
my alarm never went off. oh well. not sweating it. chalking it up to that time of year. will be back at it tomorrow am and looking forward to it. heavy snatches were programed for today. might make them up in the am we'll see what comes up for tomorrow. also want to make up the bench press workout. maybe put them together...... we'll see.
cleaning up the diet as well this week. going to be hitting hard after the new year so starting to work it in now. not that it was bad before but need to sharpen it up. lots of crap food around work but also some good stuff. the crap just doesn't call to me lately. not that i didn't have a few homemade cookies. come on, it is the holidays!
so here we are just shy of the new year. cheers to that!
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