Thursday, December 31, 2009

waking up with Angie!

so slept better last night by a little. way tired in the am when alarm went off. almost bagged it but its new years eve! gotta suck it up and get a workout in!
got dressed and check the blackberry for the mainsite wod, ANGIE!
oh boy! we are in for fun this am......

warm up run
1/4 jog
mile run at 8:35 pace
1/4 jog cool down

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

first 30 or so went well then had to break them into smaller blocks. last few sets were not the greatest...
took a long time to get thru the 100
these hurt but didn't take very long
not so bad but really getting drained by the end
had to take a couple minutes to collect myself for the squats
really light headed and shot
broke them into sets of 20

25:00/26:00 mins
didnt have the stopwatch so had to go by the gym wall clock
after the sit-ups i knew it was going to be a crappy time. felt good just to get thru the squats without passing out. very difficult this am but glad i got it done!

was certainly feeling the effects of a couple poor nights sleep and the added stress from personal crap. moving in the right direction with that stuff so hopefully will be able to stay positive.
looking to set a few goals for the new year. no resolutions just some goals.

go as paleo as possible. may commit to the 30 day challenge for january. thinking hard on that one.

1/2 marathon. think i am going to run the hook mountain half marathon in april. its local, its cheap and its a great training motivator for the spring. plus can run it with a friend who has done it before. sister may be in as well which would be sweet. about 98% that this is a go.

do a 100 mile mountain bike race. not sure which one, when or where. but i bagged shenandoah last year and that was a bummer. i was no way fit enough and it was the right call but still disappointed. maybe hit shen this year. wilderness is out as it conflicts with the darkhorse 40. we'll see.

doubt i will do any shorter mountain bike races this year. maybe go spectate. not into that scene right now.

i'm sure i will come up with more

thats all for now.

happy new year. keep it safe out there tonight!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

run forest run!

so i missed mondays workout off the mainsite. row 5k. have no access to a rower right now so would have had to get creative. did the snatches yesterday and knew today would be mainsite rest but needed to get in a it was....

treadmill. i am not opposed to the treadmill and considering it was 14 degrees when i got up and dark out the treadmill seemed like a good option.
did a 1/4mile warm-up walk/jog 8% incline
ran 5k 8:20 pace 2% incline
felt pretty good. little stale at the 2.5ish mark but i think it was that i was smelling the finish.
did a 1/2 mile cool down walk/jog
was going to do a little bodyweight work or some SDLHP to make up for not rowing but was pretty blown after the run. didnt realize it when i was moving but once i stopped i knew i had enough.

slept like crap last night. high stress personal life crap right now. hopefully will work itself out, sure it will but its been eating at me. focusing on family and work instead and trying to keep it positive. realize it could be much worse...
will not let it get me into a slump like a year or so ago. got a bit depressed and fell off the training wagon. had been riding a lot at the time and working out a bit as well. had decent fitness. had done the cohutta 100 and shenandoah 100 that year as well as a few shorter races. let it slip away. gained crap weight and lost a lot of motivation. need to focus and not fall into that rut.
sleep is key. sleep good, get up early and get it done......

ok enough of that crap. moving on.....

been enjoying the running. need to get outside more but that will come with the weather.

may have added an event to the calender for the spring. not 100% yet but it looks good. will put it up in a separate post once i finalize it.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


back at it on this tuesday am. got to gym a few minutes late but not terrible. brrrrr cold out there today.
ran on treadmill for warm up
1/4mile jog 1mile run 1/4mile jog. felt good. 8:20 pace on the mile. need to pick that up a bit but just stretching the legs this am.
did bodyweight warm-up
3-rounds 10 dips, 10 pull-up, 15 air squats
mixed the bar width on the dips. all but the last couple pull-ups were strong. air squats fine

snatch! love it. need to work on it. great exercise
warmed up with just 45# bar
had good feel threw these. weight felt light on the pull but need to work the catch and the balance at the bottom.
1x105 missed this one a little and compromised the form
should have done another at 95 or pushed some of the 95's to 100 but didn't want to chance dropping the bar. need to get in the back with the bumper plates and go to town one am.
finished with 6x75
out of time at that point and off to the showers.

felt good this am. bodyweight up a pound from last week due mostly to holiday eating and resting. 208 on gym scale
was 206-7 last week and am looking for sub 200 in the next few weeks. we'll see
want to drop some of the excess baggage but dont want to lose any strength. not that i was showing it on the snatches today. lol. need to work deep oh squats and the balance.

Monday, December 28, 2009


that's what some of the boys i know call it and sometimes that an apropos name.
had a great week of workouts leading up to xmas eve. was following crossfit mainsite wod's and really enjoying the 1-10-1-20-1-30 protocol. killed the front squats and deadlifts. felt great.
then we started to party at work on thursday..........
you probably shouldn't have bourbon with your breakfast.... nuff said!

took friday, saturday and sunday off. half by choice, half out of holiday necessity and half just to recharge. felt good to take a few days and was stoked to get back to the gym this am. but.....
my alarm never went off. oh well. not sweating it. chalking it up to that time of year. will be back at it tomorrow am and looking forward to it. heavy snatches were programed for today. might make them up in the am we'll see what comes up for tomorrow. also want to make up the bench press workout. maybe put them together...... we'll see.

cleaning up the diet as well this week. going to be hitting hard after the new year so starting to work it in now. not that it was bad before but need to sharpen it up. lots of crap food around work but also some good stuff. the crap just doesn't call to me lately. not that i didn't have a few homemade cookies. come on, it is the holidays!

so here we are just shy of the new year. cheers to that!